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Finally I landed in South Korea. Once I take part in the audition and get selected for my potential, I can forget about my horrible past.

As a non-Korean, I was only familiar with the basic words that I learnt back in high school for a short period of time. Therefore, I used an online translator to learn some phrases I needed to know such as, "I want an audition, please."

The arrival was the easy part, but then I remembered that I had no place to stay and hadn't eaten yet. I couldn't waste any time.

Walking through the busy main streets, I found myself standing in front of the scary yet heavenly YG Entertainment's building. I really don't know much about other entrertaiment  companies. YG is the one I've heard across the world, so I am going to try my luck here.

The air inside that building was heavy. Everybody seems busy and stressed, that made me panic a bit.

"How can I help you?" the receptionist said in a soft voice making it difficult for me to understand what she just spoke.

"I want an audition, please." The practiced words spilled out of my mouth flawlessly. The lady almost laughed at me, why, though?

The lady spoke in Korean for 2 minutes straight. Noticing my confused expression, she said in a broken english "You too young, so no talent" while pointing at the door. She didn't even try to help me, what?

I thought everyone in this country was kind-hearted.

I made my way out, trying to hide thre feelings of anger and sadness. 

What would a 14-year-old girl in a foreign country do now?

I walked a lot, around 2 or 3 hours, where I couldn't see that dumb building I just stepped before.

With the little money left, I decided to get something to eat from the 24-hour convenience store opposite the YG entertainment's office. In the store, I took one of those instant noodles. It reminded me of how my mother used to prohibit that kind of food at her house, saying that it was one of the most unhealthy things one could ever eat. I was ready to pay for the noodles, when the cashier said something in an annoyed voice. What did I do now?

"Sorry, I don't speak Korean" I said with as clear a pronunciation as I could do. Then, a duck-like voice beside me said, "She said that you are short of money to pay."

I turn to my right to find a boy, around my age and height, with a lot of freckles over his nose and cheeks, and bunny-like teeth.

"Can you please tell her this is what I have left? I've just came to Korea and I'm really hungry" Please have mercy on me, miss cashier.

He nodded, "I'll pay for that too"

I don't know what he have just said, but the lady handed me the little bag and I see the boy paying for mine and then his things, a coke and the same kind of instant soup.

I don't know what he just said, but the lady handed me the bag with my noodles. I saw the boy pay for my noodle and his purchase, a coke and a similar kind of instant noodles.

"If you are new here, save that money. That's my treat, " said the boy pointing at the noodles in my hands.

Leaving the store, I immediately bowed at him, "I don't know how to repay you. You literally saved my day and I will never forget that. Thank you, uh..."

"Lee Felix, it is nice to know that I saved a native English speaker. You just remind me of those hard days when I had trouble communicating in Korean, so you're welcome..."

"Y/L Y/N" I said with a shy smile on my face. This really had to be a sign from heaven. If I make few friends, maybe then I could survive.

We sat outside the tables placed in front of the store. We made small talk. I got to know that Felix is a year older than me. Felix told his story about how he came from Australia to make his dream of becoming an idol come true. He was a trainee and at that moment was having a snack during his break.

I explained my story, excluding the part about how my parents hated me for not being what they wanted me to be. Therefore, Felix got to know that I had no place to go or a place to spend the night.

He made me promise that I would wait for him after his practice so he could help me find a place to stay.

After four long hours and the moon already saying hi to the Korean citizens, I saw Lee Felix running towards me from across the street.

"Is that building the enterprise that you said you're training for?" I asked with piqued interest

"Yes, BigHit is its name, not a big thing but it can help me open some doors"

"Oh..." The idea of trying another audition at that place popped in my head; even though, I had more important things to do, like finding a place to sleep at least for tonight.

Lee Felix, who knew the cashier of the store, convinced her to take me in for the night and that early next morning I would look for a job.

As time passed, I gained Felix's trust as well as the cashier's. I had a decent life working as a waitress in the morning, taking Korean lessons from my friend, Felix, during his lunch time, and at night I was in charge of the 24-hour convenience store.

So that's how I got 2 part time jobs and a place to stay, a small room at the back of the convenience store.

But I never forgot that I came here for a dream, a big one.

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𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now