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Just as predicted, the past six days in Italy were a complete fairytale.

From Florence to the Vatican, Pisa and finally Rome; it was all she could ever asked for and more.

Lazy breakfast, evenings full of art and finally fresh midnight walks after having dinner in different restaurants every night; all of this recorded in few videos they would show to ARMY separately.

Today was the sixth day in Italy, Venice to be exact. The young man rented the gondola for the two of them and no one else, making the people around wondered who was that rich guy who spoiled the shit out of the short haired girl beside him.

"Andiamo, Namjoonie!"

The girl was wearing the big straw hat and a yellow sundress he bought for her in Florence.

"Gosh~ Stop saying my name out loud"

He sits beside her in the little boat, waiting for the man in striped shirt to make a comfortable black t-shirt, with denim pants and the black sunglasses that make him look mysterious, but thanks to the wild brown hair that dances with the italian breeze, his aura turns back to the cute guy Y/N fell for.

"Out of all the places we visited so far... this is my favorite"

She says while admiring the buildings that stand to her left and right. Her skin shines under the sunlight and the short hair dances with the air, the most ethereal postal for Namjoon.

He smiles for himself feeling in a fairytale. The girl she likes is beside him, in a paradisiac island where the two can be themselves an forget about all their worries.

Namjoon rests his arm behind the girl's back, making the warmth of her body drive from his arm to his chest. That's how she always makes him feel. Warm and peaceful.

"Thanks for coming to Italy with me, Namjoon"

She stops admiring the long river and looks at Namjoon, who has a big smile drawn on his face.

"I'll gladly spend this and three more vacations with my maknae" RM says bopping her nose with his index.

She feels the blood running to her face so she decided to hide the reaction by supporting her head on his shoulder, away from his gaze.

That was the rest of the gondola trip, both looking like the best couple in the river, and both of their hearts pounding in sync at the same word, love.

That was it. She accepted since day one in Italy that she was definitely in love with Namjoon, the leader of BTS. But this last day was pushing her to something not so conventional... She was thinking about confessing his feelings for him tonight.

"We have arrived, lady... gentleman"

In front of them, la Gallerie dell'Accademia, with the modern art of the city. Perfect for Namjoon, modern art's lover, but also perfect for Y/N Renaissance and Romanticism art's lover.

Pictures and short videos. Each other sharing the knowledge of their favorite art's ages and always holding each other's hand.

Is this what I'm supposed to feel with the right one? Because, to be honest, this feels perfect.

Decided, she's confessing tonight.

"Let's walk to the Basilica di San Marco, it has a beautiful architecture!"
"You really studied history, didn't you?"
"Of course I did, I couldn't look dumb in front of the most intelligent guy I know"

They speak without looking at each other, otherwise they would be all shy and red.

The Byzantine treasures in the chapel were such a view, perfect for their Twitter account. He'll later post about it, right now the only thing he has in mind is the short girl running here and there recognizing each piece of art with shiny eyes.
That was what he's looking for in a couple; someone with kind heart and an intelligent brain. She has it all.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now