- CXVI -

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This time the performance was a complete success. 'Airplane pt.2', the special rap from RM and 'Idol' at the end made definitely one of the best performances we've ever given.

Currently I'm washing my hands in the sink of the public restrooms of the venue. There is missing just the last three awards: Album, Song and Artist of the year; that's why I'm in a hurry.

The clicking of my blue stilettos sounds loud now that I'm far from the public and the main scenario, that's how I could hear clearly, someone talking to me in a faint voice.

"Excuse me?" The masculine whisper said. Was that english?

I turn around to see a guy with auburn hair wearing a beret. That outfit and the clear braces make him look younger than me. Does people younger than me really exists?

"Where's changing... room?" He said, unsure of his foreign language knowledge. Why the need of speaking English, tho?

"Uhm- The changing rooms are at the end of this hallway" I point to the path he needs to follow "You just need to look for the number they gave you"

He opens his eyes wide like I realization
"You are Y/N-ssi?"

Weird thing because people usually addresses me with my stage name.
"Uh- Yes, Nice to meet you..."
I bow a little and wait for his answer  receiving back a bow and a big smile.

"My name is Jeong-in, nice to meet you"

His almost mechanical salute makes me giggle.

"What's your group name?" I ask curiously.
"My... group? How did you-"
"I'm a mind reader" I wink at the boy and his cheeks start turning pink; actually I'm good at reading people, the tone in his voice is the one you use when introducing your group.

"Nevermind, we're running late for the ending, we should go now" I explain trying to run back to my seat when the Jeong-in guy stops me.

"Could you please take me to the dressing room number 4?" His eyes become a bit softer "Please, Y/N-ssi?"

His cuteness makes me give up, so I hold his wrist and drag him through the hallway till we reach the 4th room.

I knock on the door softly while the guy is still behind me, like a kid hiding behind his older sister's form.

Around two or three voices inside the room discussed and then the door opens a bit, giving me a glimpse of a bleached orange haired guy, who didn't look at me but at the male behind, since both are taller than me.

"Where the hell were you, I.N?! The others are looking for you i-"

I recognized that voice even before he properly stepped outside the room, ready to scold the guy behind me.

"F- Felix?"

At the sound of my voice, the orange head stops the yelling to look at where I was standing.

"No way" He gets closer to me, cupping my face in his hands, bigger than I remembered them "Y/N!"

"Ta-da~ I notsoaccidentally bumped into her, so I thought of saying hi but also making you meet her again!"

So the meeting in the hallway was planned?

"You-" Felix looked like ready to throw hands at the guy, but instead of a punch, he gave the guy an hug "You and your dumb games, call the others and tell them were going back to our seats"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now