- XXIX -

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Seokjin's POV

It's been three weeks since the first fansign, and little by little, more people seemed to like Y/N. I don't know if it's because of the gifts and my perfect cooking skills or just the girl's charms; but fans are digesting her presence more and more.

Namjoon seems more relaxed since the acceptance of the girl in our group is growing, I mean, not as much as fans love Jungkook or V, but we're trying our best.

Right now, we're waiting outside Bang Sihyuk's office, he said it was important.

Adora is moving her right leg feverishly up and down, it's making nervous and dizzy.

"Stop. We're okay, okay?" I needed to put my hand over her knee, so she stops her movements.

"Seokjin oppa..."
I hummed
"Thank you... for all the support you've given me"
"We don't even know if you're going to stay or leave..."
"I... know, but I'm thankful for what you and boss Namjoon have made for me"

I nod, is she still calling him boss?

"You keep on calling Namjoon 'boss'"
"Oh...haha... I guess it's my nervousness mixed with the habit"

She calls Hyung most of the boys, except for Yoongi, who doesn't look interested in getting to know her; and Taehyung who looks like he still hates her for 'gathering all Jungkookie and Jiminie's attention'. Oh, and me of course because oppa fits me better.

"Come inside guys!... And girl!"

There where only three chairs in the room left for eight. So I sit in the first chair, followed by Taehyung sitting in my lap and then Jimin sitting on Tae.
The next chair is used by Hoseok who wanted to carry Namjoon on his lap, but he refused to. And the third chair was occupied half with Jungkook's ass and other half with Y/N's. This kids spend too much time and space together.
Namjoon and Yoongi standing behind us, like the body guards.

"Okay... now that you took a... sit..."

He handed each one of us a memo.

'One night with Skool Luv Affair"

What kind of purpose is this?

"Oh... you don't like the title, we can change it... tho, the idea is the same one. We'll prepare to perform the whole album at the small theater four blocks from here. This is part of our project to... test of it's... feasible to prepare some concert dates around your towns"

"Really?" Jimin, who standed up ask amazed "W-We haven't done something like... that big..."

"That's why we'll start from a small place... Depending on the fans support, we might or might not prepare the mini tour. It's basically up to you to give your best for that show"

All of us are exchanging looks, of course we want this.

"We'll do it. When is it?"
"Three weeks"

Sorry, I panicked.

"That's too soon"
"That's the challenge"

Now we're worried.

"It won't be big thing, something really private... Around 1,000 to 1,500 people. You won't need much dances, just chairs and maybe gitars. But of course I need your answer now. Do you still want to perform?"


We're exchanging looks to communicate our current thoughts.

"We'll do it" The leader has spoken.

"Great! I know you'd love the idea. So then, see you in three weeks in the show. Fighting!"


𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now