- CXIV -

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Yoongi's POV

I lock the door and Y/N finally speaks.

"I don't deserve your hug, Yoongi-ah"

She sobs in my embrace without letting go of me, even if this contradicts her previous words.

I wait a little while she calms her sobs down, my hand unconsciously rubbing over her back. Once she seems calmer, I speak.

"Wanna tell me what happened?" I let my words go soft to her ears and she nods, sitting in the edge of the bed. I follow her steps, holding the hand that's closer to mine, she looks at our hands and starts her story, trying her best to suppress the sobs.

"I talked t- things out with Taehyung... we're in good terms now"
"Hey! That's great" I smile faintly while wiping away her tears.

"It is not that great if I say we kissed after that"

My heart skips a little, and not in a cool way. But again I reminded myself the promise I made.

If loving her means accepting her love for the other six, I'll do it. If loving her means I also need to love them like a whole package, I'll do it... Because I love her beyond that.

That's how I manage to gift her a small smile, while caressing her jaw.

"Look at me Y/N" Her teary eyes meet my gaze and it broke my soul to see her so troubled, that's how I know I would do anything to see her happy.

"It's. Okay." She frowns at my words.
"You love him" She lowered her gaze "But you said you love me too, remember?"

She immediately looks at me again, nodding eagerly.

"That's enough for me. If your love for me is still there, as strong as you said... then it's okay if you love them as well"

"But- It feels so wrong! With that kiss I basically cheated on you! I don't want to hurt you like tha-"

I cut her tantrum with my kiss. An slow and loving one. I don't feel him in her lips, I just feel her... her love for me.

This makes my heart pound against my chest in happiness and love, that just reassurances my promise.

"I don't taste Taehyung in your lips" I say after I break the kiss, my hands still cupping sides of her face "I don't taste him, I just taste YOU and YOUR love towards me, Y/N... That's how I know that wasn't cheating"

Tears stream down her face one more time, but she hugs me tightly.

"See? You're the fucking best! I don't know if I really deserve you"

I returned the hug "You do deserve me, now" I let go of her and make her look at me "Stop saying you're cheating. I accepted this would happen the day we started dating, like... this is what I signed for so... stop blaming yourself and accept your feelings for once or I'll get angry for real"

I fake frown and she giggles a little, caressing my forehead to get rid of the frown.

"You're my strength, Min Yoongi"
"You were mine during those rough days... you still are so... That's why I truly believe we deserve each other"

She smiles for me and pecks my lips.

"May I sleep her tonight? I- I don't wanna be alone..."

She asks shyly and I take this opportunity to get my revenge.

"You want to sleep here?! That's not what a lady should do in some guys room?!"

She understands my references and hits playfully my chest.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now