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"Y/N, you didn't tell me you didn't finish school, why?" The PD-nim, rather than angry, was concerned.

"Sorry boss, I thought it was irrelevant for the band"
"We care about our artists, and also it is obligatory to finish high school, did you know that?"
"Uhmm... No, I didn't"

"I've been talking to some people... about an scholarship for you"
"M-Me?" She is surprised, never expected someone to care about her education.

"Jungkook talked to me, about you not attending school..."

She's burning red out of embarrassment.

"... and he also talked about this with his mother, you know, he's so close to his-"
"Yes, but take it easy, it's okay"

The girl is now in another level of embarrassment, higher than the past one.

"... He talked to her about it, and looks like the lady liked you by the way Jungkookie talked about you, so they came here and interced for you..."

The girl doesn't know how to feel about all of this information.

"... they offered to pay half of your scholarship so you can finish school"
"Gosh, girl, stop babbling"

"Tho... we think that with your salary you won't need them to pay for you, we would pay 60% and you'd pay the missing part"
"The company?"
"Yes, your salary will be reduced a little but you will still get paid. Jungkook's mom is willing to give you the support you need to start school, so don't worry about it, she offered herself as your tutor"
"But she doesn't even know me"

She sounded rude, but what she meant was concern about the lady, being responsible of his son's friend? Isn't that too good to be true?

"That's no problem at all, she's in the city right now, so she can meet you and Jungkook, get to know each other, and then you can make sure she will take good care of you"

So it is decided? She WILL go to school?

"Well, whatever. After your vocal practices, you maknaes, will meet mother for dinner"

She couldn't even protest or think of it. She was needed in the vocal practice and the boss looked so sure about sending her to school.

Time passes fast as she still thinks about what happened, so without realizing, it is time to have dinner with Jungkook's mother.

"W-Why did you tell her, Jungkook?"
"Your mother. Why did you tell her my current situation?"
"W-Well, we talked about school, remember? You s-said you'd like to go with me... and... school is an obligatory thing here so... I thought I was doing good"

His big eyes look like a scolded puppy, he definitely had nothing else but good intentions. And she doesn't want to look at those shiny eyes feeling guilty.

"Thank you, Jeon Jungkook"

She bows deeply and the boy, instead of bowing back, maker her give him an hug.

What was that feeling in the pit of his stomach?
Maybe a sign of the great friendship they will have... He felt it the first day their eyes connected.

Entering a small restaurant, Jungkook finds her mother sitting in the middle of the room.

He runs towards her, both engulfing in a heartwarming hug.

Oh, how would it feel to have someone who cares about you?

"And you most be Y/N-ssi! or should I call you Adora-ssi? Ah~ Jungkook didn't lie when he said you are even prettier in person"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now