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Lots of things happened after that Jungkook's call Adora accidentally picked.

An occasional breakdown was smashing the maknae's mind when he decided to talk her and after receiving the news of the opportunity to meet her in New York, Jungkook's tears dried and he decided to let Jimin and Taehyung enter to his room, letting them know that they'll have meeting with the disappeared girl.

The young trio dynamic lighten up after knowing they had one more opportunity to fix things.

Jimin decided that the right thing to do was let the rest of thei brothers know what was happening, thus, in a long and heavy conversation hosted by Seokjin, all of them smoothed things with each other. Realizing one thing, their love for Adora was way deeper than any other thing they love in life, even music.

Then when Jungkook told them about the bizarre call and the new invitation to New York, the scene plunged into chaos once again, now a collective one.

The new arrangement between them was that, whatever they decided to do with their personal feelings, it won't damage their dynamic nor image as a band. That wasn't the best of the arrangements, but at least the talk would stop them from trying to punch each other whenever they exchanged looks.

Some bribes and pleadings were enough for BTS to rent their private plane for a quick two days flight to New York without the management knowing.

Now everyone is sitting in their respective seat, a dead silence surrounding them. It was a weird image for the flight attendance, during the long lasting tour, they would change seats in every flight, sometimes one of them would be sleeping in Adora's lap, but they would always manage to start a collective conversation that could be heard all around the plane.

Today was different, three of them sleeping and the rest with headphones on and eyes lost in the late afternoon sky. Though they didn't exchange a single word during the flight, the same question swam in their minds: What would I do when I see her?

Two of them were ready to receive whatever Adora has to offer them, they were more than used to loving more than one person. Three more were still hesitant, their final decision on the tightrope between letting go or fighting on; and the single missing just have one thing on mind, giving her the tightest hug ever, while whispering three little words to her ear.

Around 7:32 in the afternoon, the plane arrived safely in the american city, Namjoon gave instructions to the pilot, they must be back in Korea for tomorrow's afternoon.

The seven idols got in a rented van, Jungkook at the steering wheel, trying their best to arrive at the studio where the Tonight Show was being recorded while not getting lost in the busy streets of the Big Apple of New York.

"This fucking map..." Jin cursed the virtual map displayed in his phone while sitting in the passenger seat to help Jungkook find the damned studios.

"It is the third time we pass by this dumb palm, hyung" Jimin whines, head resting over the car window.

"The map says the place is to the left of that palm! Look!" Jin hands Jimin the phone, so they have another perspective of the route.

"There! It was your left, not the palm's left!" Hoseok was faster to get the instructions of the AI, and pointed to the high buildings they've already passed three times.

"Oh~ Hoseok-ah~ You're smart!" Jin praised while Jungkook parcked the car across the street of the studio.

"We're here and the show has already started, what do we do?" Taehyung asks anxiously to the rest of the boys confined in the car.

"Let's just enter, we're guests after all" Seokjin suggested, ready to take off his seat belt.

"The thing is... we were not invited at all..." Jungkook explained in a low voice.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now