- You're not the only one who's hurting -

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"Open the door! I brought you tuna!"

Jin is outside RM's expensive apartment, waiting for the owner of the place to wake up and open the door.

"It's not that early, Namjoon-ah! Get your ass here and open" Jin is yellingin through the interphone so RM wakes up.

Inside the place, Namjoon hardly opened his eyes, these falling immediately over the figure that sleeps beside him.

Brunette locks spreading over the pillows and the glimpse of a thin waist is covered by white sheets.

Namjoon smiles at the scenery but just before blurting her name out, the figure in the bed turns around, showing finally her mysterious features.

'This is not her' He thinks as the girl beside him stretches her arms as the morning routine.

Then it hits him like a truck. Did they...

He looks under the sheets to find the girl wearing an sparkly tight dress and he himself wearing the complete suit of last night.

"We didn't do anything" The girl states rather angrily, why? "We were alright dancing then the alcohol kicked in and you started crying for someone" Namjoon's face burn bright red as the blurry memories start to play slowly in his mind "You were alone so I brought you here and you passed out the second after... I decided to sleep here since it was too late to walk home"

She finished explaining all while putting in a pair of leather black boots.

"Can you like... stop spacing out and open the door?" She was definitely angry because of the show the grown man put on.

"Yes, uhm... sorry... for last night"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever pretty guy. Just make sure to get over her before looking for a one night stand, okay?"

The situation was growing more bizarre as minutes passed, and wnen RM opens the door to let her leave, he finds Seokjin with a portable cooler that smelled like fish.

The girl left the place and Seokjin entered the apartment.

"I'm not gonna ask about it but..."
"We didn't do anything" Namjoon hurriedly says "She said I cried for someone and then passed out... We were fully dressed this morning"

Jin says nothing and starts putting the fresh tuna inside the fridge.

"To what do I owe the honor of this smelly visit?" RM asks when Jin finally plops himself in a bench of the kitchen island across him.

"I went fishing with my brother"
"Oh, that's wonderful"
"And I realized about something"
"And that is..."
"Did you have breakfast?" Jin changes topics suddenly.

"Uhm- No.... Just woke up"
"Right! I'll cook something for us"

As said, Seokjin becomes a chef and within 20 minutes there's rice and omelette for breakfast.

"I chose to stay with her"

Seokjin suddenly declared after placing the last cup of coffee on the table. Namjoon just freezes in place, gripping tightly the chopsticks in hand.

"C- Congratulations, hyung"

"What did you choose, Namjoon-ah?"
"Don't ask me about it, Jin... I still don't want to talk about it"

Seokjin had one thing in mind with this visit: Taking Namjoon out of the hole he let himself fell in. How? Guiding him to make the final decision, just like his olde brother helped him.

"Why are you so afraid of choosing, Namjoon-ah?"
"Why were you, huh? Jin?"

It was harder to talk to Namjoon, he's stubborn and smart as hell. Trying to argue with him is a serie of well-argued premises that'll leave you speechless.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now