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Third person POV

"Jungkook, you're making me dizzy, stop please" Y/N said towards the young man who's jumping here and there.

All gathered in the waiting room of the airport, the band waits for their flight to Los Angeles, for the first time their music reaches American awards: the AMAs.

"I need to keep awake so I can sleep during the flight"

She was moody, she didn't catch much sleep since she was exited for the week's events. Namjoon is sitting beside her, resting his sleepy head in top of Adora's while fighting for keeping his eyes open.

Taehyung looks as exited as Jungkook, both playing around to calm down their boost of energy.

The rest of the boys are laying in the couches around, fighting hard to be awake.

Once a lady anounces the plane is ready, they all drag themselves to their seats, Adora holding Namjoon's hand to make sure he doesn't bump into the walls or the other members while walking half asleep.

Now in their seats, Y/N makes sure Namjoon's seat transforms into a bed so he can rest a little.

"C'mon leader hyung, sleep"
"Thanks, baby"

The man falling asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow. She sits there, backrest reclined a little backwards while she texts her sister.


You should've taken
me with you 😠

Told you before I left 🙄

You start school next month
and I don't want you to
get distracted

Because you forced
me to go

At least buy something
for me :(

When Ms. Chan informs me
you cleaned the house, I will.

Not even two complete hours have passed, when the body resting beside her sits straight, waking up from his nap.

"Just two hours? Won't you rest more?"

She asks concerned at the man's sleeping schedule.

"I can't sleep more than two hours, you know it"

She frowns her lips sadly, he is really struggling with so much pressure.
Music, promotions, sponsorship, leadership while trying to keep himself sane was really hard.

"How's Anna?"

He decides to chat before starting to overthink about all the upcoming work waiting for him when he arrives.

"Uh, she's still angry because I didn't take her with us, but I know her, she'll get distracted from the main goal, drop school and then ask my to buy a house in LA"

It might be a little exaggerated possible scenario but definitely something similar would happened if she has taken her sister with her.

Namjoon laughs at the fake scenario, still a bit sleepy.

"She'd probably do that"

After few silent seconds she asks.

"Have you been eating this days? I mean at least twice a day?"

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now