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Third person POV

"Are you sure you gonna jump? Because I know your tricks"

Taehyung holds Adora's hand, ready to jump to the pool inside the villa.

"You don't trust me, I knew it" He makes a dramatically sad expression.

The cameras are recording their time in the pool, so Y/N accepts the dare and runs beside V to jump inside the pool. One second before falling to the pool with their clothes on, Tae lets go of her hand and only Adora falls into the water.

"I decided I actually want to look for my swimming suit instead of jumping like this" He laughs and runs away.

So now she's swimming with the dress she bought yesterday.

"My dress~" She pouts sadly at Hoseok, who was already swimming there, of course with a real swimming suit.
"You still look cute" He smiles brightly for her.

Just five minutes later, Taehyung in a swimming green suit and the director of Bon Voyage with a phone in hand, enter on scene.

"Adora, you have a minute?"

To avoid any transparencies to evidence her body, J-Hope wraps the girl in the towel he brought for himself.

"Yes, boss, how may I help you?"

They sit in the dinner table inside the house, far from the cameras.

"Your sister is at the phone" The director hands the phone to Adora "She said you weren't answering so she called to your office and they gave her this number"
"Oh" Y/N told her sister to call the office just in case of an extreme emergency "Sorry for the inconvenience, did she said something important?"
"Not to me, she said she wants to talk to you"

Adora doubts about answering the phone, it definitely just means problems, but she promised Anna, her little sister, to be there for her even from afar.

"Hello? Anna?"
"Y/N it is you! Thanks God!"

Even from the phone, you could detect how desperate Anna's voice sounds.

"What's wrong? They said you called to the office"
"They're divorcing and they don't want me in their lifes. Please, sister, come pick me up"

The younger girl sobs through the phone and the older sister worries three times more. Adora had hundreds of questions but she can't waste time asking them, she needs to go see her.

"I'll go as soon as possible, where are you?"
"London, we came back"
"Wait there, okay? It'll take me around one day to arrive"

Y/N hangs up and gives back the phone to the owner.

"I'll talk to the managers about this, I really need to visit her"

The director nods understanding the emergency. "Go ahead"

She takes a few steps farther and calls the number of their PD. It takes three tones to pick up.

"Y/N! I'm glad you call" There are some sounds of keyboard and few voices in the background of the call "Your sister called earlier to the office, looks like she is in the middle of a big problem, I suggest you pay a visit"
"Yes! That's exactly what I wanted to talk about, I really need to go to London"
"You'll leave in the middle of  Bon Voyage"
"I know, sir. I'm sorry, but I really need to go... I'll work extra songs if you want..."
"I'm not a bad boss, I'm getting you a fight"
"Thank you so much, sir"
"... But you still need to finish the letter for your friend in this trip"
"I'm on it, thank you sir"

She cuts the call and walks over to the empty bedroom at the bottom of the hallway, while the rest of the boys were playing in the pool.

So then after fifteen minutes trying to write something, she packed her stuff, ready to leave Hawaii by herself, leaving the letter to the staff that took her to the airport.


'I don't know if you are reading this in public or not, I'll try to make a friendly letter.

Dear Jeon Jungkookie.

Since I arrived to the band, you received me without judging me by looks, I'm thankful for that.
Now that we've been working together for around three or four years, I know you are a gifted boy, you are an incredible artist with a wonderful soul, I'm glad I can tell the world I personally know you.

I know this days we've been falling apart a little, maybe work, maybe different responsibilities, but my heart is always with you, no matter what, no matter who, my love for you goes beyond everything.

Our bond is beyond bestfriends, our bond is beyond family.

When I first heard V calling Jimin his soulmate, I laughed, is it possible to love someone over all circumstances?

Then, the same day, I looked into your eyes after... '

Jungkook sitted in the yacht stops reading because this is something he can't read out loud in front of the cameras. The letter says 'after telling me you've had a girlfriend'

The closest to him, Namjoon, takes a look at the letter wondering why did Jungkook made a pause. He reads the line and understands immediately, patting the maknae's back.

Jungkook thinks faster than lightning and changes the message a little

'... after our friendship date... I get to understand what V meant with the soulmate word. You still precious to me after all and all.

You are my soulmate.

Thanks for staying by my side from the beginning, Jungkook; I promise to stay by your side till the end and make our bond a hundred times more worthy than it is now.

Adora   x '

The younger Bangtan boy is tearing up a little, he knew his girlfriend made Y/N jealous, but that didn't stop the girl from confessing her love and calling him her soulmate.

He looks directly to the camera recording his reaction to the letter and says without any doubt.

"Y/N-ssi, you are my soulmate too"

I'm drowning in exams this whole week, I wanna cry.
Keep on reading and giving love to the story   x

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now