brothers ex girlfriend | kelsey x reader

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warnings: kissing, drug references
masc!reader hehe
you guys are like 17

adam and his girlfriend kelsey broke up around 2 months ago and hes still not really over her. good thing shes bisexual because shes mine now.

i had a crush on kelsey when my brother was dating her. i just wanted her too be mine so bad. seeing them kiss i just wanted to be in adams position. and now i finally can.

me and kelsey are cuddling on my bed, im lying in between her legs and hugging her waist lying my head on her stomach.

"y/n?" i hear a knock on the door, knowing who it is because of his voice.

"what adam" i groan, putting my face down on kelseys stomach. "i need to ask you something"


"can i come in?" he asks. "i guess" i say, propping my head up to look up at the door. "what?"

"hi kelsey" he says. "hi.." she replies, i hug her waist tighter. "leave her alone, what do you want?" i say, "what did you do with my stuff?"

"its in my nightstand drawer." i say, putting my hands underneath kelseys shirt and wrapping my arms around her waist. placing my head back onto her stomach. wanting adam to leave already. "i dont see it."

"maybe cos' thats not my fucking nightstand adam!" i shout.

"dont shout at me!"

"im not your only wasting time because kelseys in here!" i yell. he grabs the lighter and ziploc bag of weed.

"ok get out" i say. turning my head around and closing my eyes, my mood immediately changing back up once he leaves.


adam had just left and our parents arent hone so me and kelsey are by ourselves.

were making out on the couch, shes holding my face and im holding her waist. "y/n-" she moans. "hm baby?" i groan against her lips, "i think-" she starts to say something but gets distracted by kissing me again.

i didnt hear the front door opening, but kelsey did. she quickly pulls away, hands still cupping my face adam rolls his eyes and walks into his room.

"babe.." she says softly. "whats wrong baby?" i ask in the same tone. "i feel like we shouldnt be doing this in the living room while hes home."

"do you wanna go in the room?" i ask. "mhm" she nods. "alright lets go" i say, picking her up off my lap and setting her down next to me, grabbing her hand to help her up, even if she doesnt need it im still always polite to her.

i peck her lips and walk us into my room. lying her down on my bed. she giggles as i lean down and kiss her again.

"such a pretty girl" i say.

kelseys pov:

i love how y/n only sees beauty in me, ignoring my flaws such as my acne and messed up hair. she thinks its beautiful.

"such a pretty girl" i hear y/n say, i immediately start blushing. adam barely ever made me feel this way. he complimented me but never as much as y/n does.

even then when i was dating adam shed always comment on how good my outfit was, or how pretty i looked on special occasions. and here she is now. saying it always.

this person is probably the best things thats ever happened to me

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