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Spring of 1971.

Early in the morning, the loudspeaker of the Youth Educated Office in Jincheng sounded. In addition to the instructions of the capital on the educated youth going to the countryside, it also broadcast the content of the article "We also have two hands, and we will not eat idle meals in the city" in the People's Daily.

This time, Jincheng responded to the call to mobilize more than 40,000 junior and senior high school graduates to go to the countryside in southern provinces.

Although supporting construction is a glorious thing, it is far away from home and life is hard. Those who can't bear to leave their children look for ways everywhere, looking for jobs and marrying off.

A radio factory affiliated to the hospital.

It was just the end of February, and although it was spring, the weather was still very cold.

Jiang Anning put on her cotton coat, gathered her loose and smooth hair to the right, and used her fingers to braid it into a braid. Then she got up and went to the backyard.

It's called the backyard, but it's actually a small open space separated from the family building and the water room of Radio Factory 1. It's surrounded by walls, and it's very private. Don't underestimate it as a small area of ​​10 square meters. It's also a unique place for Scorpion Poop in the family yard.

It turned out that this was a simple shed with some sundries. Since March last year, every month, there have been family members fighting in the water room because of water disputes. The worst one almost cost someone's life. After discussion, the leaders of the factory decided to expand the water room. The new water room was chosen to be next to Jiang's house.

Because of the heavy humidity, the foul smell of sewage, and the loud noises from using water in the morning and evening, Jiang's mother Wang Fuhua was reluctant at first.

It was the factory leader who specially found someone to do ideological work and promised to compensate the Jiang family for the extra corner between the water room wall and the Jiang family's house as a private plot, and Wang Fuhua reluctantly agreed.

Jiang Anning took the wooden barrel and stirred it while no one was paying attention. A few drops of crystal clear and aura-filled green liquid mixed in the water with her movements.

These green liquids are moonflower extracts, which can improve the taste of plants and increase the growth rate of plants.

She was originally a moonlight flower spirit from the 21st century. On the day she transformed into a human form, she was too fragile to survive the catastrophe. When she woke up, she traveled to the body of Jiang Anning in the 1970s. It has been three years since she first felt uncomfortable.

In the past three years, she has been either sleeping or eating a lot to replenish her nutrition 24 hours a day in order to cultivate her soul that was damaged by the catastrophe. Only in the past two days has the injury not been so serious, so she has been awake more.

After watering the dishes, Jiang Anning went to the chicken coop in the corner and fed the chickens with water diluted with moonlight flower dew. Before she finished feeding, she felt a little black in front of her eyes. She wiped her forehead and it was all sweaty.

She leaned against the wall to rest.

This is not going to work. It just so happens that she is now more awake, so she has to find a way to heal her injury quickly.

A dark and thin little boy opened the curtain and limped over.

It was my nephew Tieniu. When he was three years old, he fell into a dry well and broke his leg. It was a special period. My eldest brother and his wife ran around because of Tieniu's grandfather's family background. By the time they found him, it was too late for the best treatment.

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