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"You go to Yangcheng Supply and Marketing Cooperative to buy things every once in a while. Several times, the things you bought were available at Haisha Island Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and the price was cheaper. With your frugal personality, you shouldn't go far away."

Zhou Enjin looked at her coldly: "I have answered your question. Now it's your turn to answer me. Who sent you here?"

Xiao Cui was still hesitating. If the other party knew that she had confessed, would it be bad for Xiaobao?

Song Dashan couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Xiao Cui, you don't really think that they will let Xiao Xiaobao go if you don't tell them anything, do you? The enemy's method is always to leave no one alive. Do you really want to bet your son's life on their promise? If you still want to save your son, I advise you to tell them quickly."

Song Dashan saw that she was still unwilling to say anything at this time, and he really felt sorry for Deputy Commander Zhu, "Can't you consider Deputy Commander Zhu? Do you know that because of your problem, he not only can't stay in the army, but may also face trial."

Thinking of the honest man who protected and loved her, Xiao Cui looked at Zhou Enjin, and finally spoke up: "I am willing to tell. Commander Zhou, Deputy Commander Song, this matter has nothing to do with Youmin and Xiaobao, they don't know, It's all my fault. I did everything on my own. I can tell you anything you want to ask. I just ask you to let them go."

Zhou Enjin: "The troops will investigate whether they have anything to do with this matter. Now you can answer my question. Who sent you here?"

Since she chose to tell the truth, Xiao Cui didn't dare to hide it. She was more willing to believe Captain Zhou than the enemy spies.

"My superior is Qin Kaiyang, the manager of Yangcheng Department Store. During that time, when Han Limei was selling mangoes, we passed intelligence through canned fruit. Later, after Han Limei was driven out, Qin Kaiyang felt unsafe, so he chose to meet her in Yangcheng every month..."

Xiao Cui told all the information she knew. Before Zhou Enjin and Song Dashan left the interrogation room, they heard Xiao Cui's apologetic voice: "Captain Zhou, Deputy Captain Song, please tell Lao Zhu for me, I'm sorry for him."

According to Xiao Cui's account, Zhou Enjin and Song Dashan sent people to Yangcheng Department Store. Only then did they know that Qin Kaiyang lied that he had something to do in his hometown and had taken several days off. When Song Dashan sent people to find Qin Kaiyang's wife and children, the other party thought Qin Kaiyang was on a business trip.

"This beast actually abandoned his wife and children and ran away alone, and even used his wife and children as bait." Song Dashan couldn't help but curse.

After wasting so much effort, he actually let the other party run away. Song Dashan was unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. He had to go back to the army to report the situation.

"Old Zhou, what should we do now? He ran too fast."

Zhou Enjin: "He can't run away. Spread the news that Xiao Cui told you, and let Zhu Dali and others step up the investigation of the escape routes to Hong Kong, especially Dapeng Bay."

Song Dashan was puzzled: "Why Dapeng Bay? After all, most people who escape to Hong Kong like to go through Dapeng Bay, and this route is most likely to be investigated."

"Qin Kaiyang seems to be lustful, greedy, and a little smart on the surface, but you can tell from his performance in Yangcheng Department Store that he is a bold and careful person, and a gambler. This kind of person likes to take risks the most, and the most dangerous place for him is the safest place."

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