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The place where Wang Fuhua had the fight was not far from the supply and marketing cooperative, just on the street of the grain administration office.

Jiang Anning went there and took a look.

What a good fellow. Her mother and the aunt next door, Zhao Guihua, were wrestling and rolling on the ground, and both of their hair was messy.

A circle of people gathered around to watch the excitement, and gave some persuasion, but no one really stepped forward to help.

You know, such a good show is not common, especially since Zhao Guihua was the one who was beaten, and everyone was happy to watch it.

Zhao Guihua saw Jiang Anning, and she finally saw a life-saving straw, crying: "Anning, you are finally here, hurry up, help me pull your mother away. Your mother is too cruel."

The area on the back of her head is still burning, and Wang Fuhua pulled out a piece of it. This Wang Fuhua, I only knew that she was fierce before, but I didn't expect her to be so fierce.

"An Ning, don't worry about it. Mom has wanted to deal with her for a long time." Wang Fuhua grabbed Zhao Guihua, "Zhao Guihua, I tell you, if you don't apologize today, no one can help."

Zhao Guihua complained for herself. She finally spent 50 cents from Jiang Hongmei to find out Cao Weibing's work unit. She wanted to say something bad about the Jiang family in front of Cao Weibing so that Cao Weibing would have a good impression of her Danfeng.

In this way, she can go with the flow and match the two of them later.

Unexpectedly, she was caught by Wang Fuhua after just a few words. And Cao Weibing, that man didn't give her face at all and just left.

Why is she so unlucky? God is really unfair to her. She has encountered all kinds of bad things.

She had already admitted defeat, but Wang Fuhua was still not done. Not only did she have to apologize, but she also had to clarify in public in the family compound. Isn't this asking for her life?

I don't know why Jiang Quangen would like such a woman. Such a fierce woman is actually wanted. Why can't she meet such a good man, and can only marry a rubbish that is rampant in the nest.

What a miserable life.

The people around were not afraid of making a fuss, "Zhao Guihua, why don't you apologize, it's your fault in the first place. At worst, you can go back and fight with your old Ma."

"Yes, this time you can let your Ma Xuedong choose a new pair of pants. The last pair of autumn pants had holes. That buttocks is whiter than the steamed buns we make at home."

There was laughter all around. Some people in the crowd didn't understand, and those who knew told them.

Last time, Zhao Guihua stole nails from the factory and was criticized in public. Ma Xuedong thought she was embarrassing, so the couple had a fight in the yard. During the struggle, Ma Xuedong's pants were torn, and there was a big hole on the buttocks of his red autumn pants, which just exposed Ma Xuedong's white buttocks.

Everyone present saw it. The Ma family lost face and didn't appear in the yard for several days.

This sentence obviously touched Zhao Guihua's lungs. If she admitted her mistake, the old man would definitely fight with her when she returned. Anyway, she had already been beaten. If she refused to admit her mistake, Wang Fuhua would not be able to eat her.

Thinking of this, Zhao Guihua suddenly found that she had nothing to feel guilty about. She decided to go all out and splashed dirty water on Jiang Anning and Wang Fuhua, saying that she was wronged and wanted to ask the factory leader to help her.

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