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Jiang Anning was shocked when she heard this. Could this really be a gold bar from a shipwreck?

In her previous life, she liked to watch programs that observed the country and the world in order to understand the human world.

She often heard the commentator talk about how many shipwrecks there were in the endless sea, and how those exquisite porcelain, pottery, gold and silver wares were buried deep in the sea and reappeared in the sky after countless years.

Zhou Enjin looked solemn and put away the gold bars, "You go home first, I'll go find the teacher."

Jiang Anning nodded.

The two put away the things, Jiang Anning took the seafood home, and Zhou Enjin went to the teacher's office.

Today's harvest from the sea was very rich. After returning home, she sent some to her third sister's house, and kept some of the rest to make garlic seafood tonight, and the rest were all dried in the sun.

Division Commander Qi was on the phone with his superiors, and the result was not ideal.

"Old Qi, it's not that the organization doesn't support your construction, it's just that the organization is short of money. Please be more considerate of the organization and see if there are other ways."

Division Commander Qi was also in a dilemma, as the country now needs construction in all walks of life.

Not only they were short of money, but other garrisons were also short of money. For example, the brother troops in the Great Northern Wilderness had no money to buy coal in the winter, and could only rely on increased training to resist the cold.

In contrast, their conditions were better. But Xiaoxiangdao couldn't get the basic funds to start, and the work couldn't be carried out.

Commander Qi's hair had turned a lot white due to worry. When he heard the knock on the door, he put away his worry and met his subordinates in a full spirit.

"Come in."

Zhou Enjin pushed the door open and went in. "Commander, I have something important to report."

Commander Qi was puzzled. "What is it?"

Zhou Enjin took out two gold bars from his arms and put them on the table. "These are the gold bars that An Ning picked up when diving on the reef beach."

Commander Qi looked solemn and took the gold bars to check.

Zhou Enjin continued, "We suspect there may be a shipwreck near the reef beach."

It's just two gold bars. It may be brought from other places by ocean currents or waves, but it is more likely that they fell from a nearby shipwreck.

If there is, report it. If the value of the sunken ship is high, you can get a big reward, which can temporarily ease the funding situation of the troops.

Thinking of this, Division Commander Qi immediately became alert, "The matter of Little Oak Island will be postponed for the time being. Gather people immediately to search near the reef and confirm the situation of the sunken ship as soon as possible."

Zhou Enjin left the gold bars and took the order to leave.

He selected thirty or forty good divers from the regiment and searched extensively near the beach where the gold bars were found.

After searching for a day and a night, a sunken ship was finally found 20 meters underwater on the south side of the reef.

The person who found the sunken ship was Song Dashan. Seeing the military uniform of the corpse on the ship, his eyes widened, and he looked around the sunken ship and found several radios and weapons and equipment.

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