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Lu Xiaozhu was stunned, and the words she had prepared were stuck. Looking at the frowns on the teacher's and Principal Ding's brows, she came to her senses, hid her panic, and said cunningly: "Comrade Jiang, I think you must have made a mistake. I have been to Yangcheng Department Store, but I just went shopping."

She smiled embarrassedly and explained: "The things in the department store are very expensive. I can't bear to buy a skirt for more than ten yuan. Comrade Jiang, I don't know why you are targeting me, but I want to say that this dress is really made by my mother."

This skirt was indeed bought in Yangcheng Department Store. She bought it after she got her first month's salary as a teacher. But she was very sure that she had never met Jiang Anning in the store. Did she say that she had seen this skirt?

Even if Jiang Anning saw her buying clothes, what evidence does Jiang Anning have to prove that the clothes were bought and not made by her mother?

As long as she doesn't admit it, Jiang Anning has no evidence. If she says it was made, it is made.

After Lu Xiaozhu said this, the situation was deadlocked.

Teacher Qi and Principal Ding originally thought that since it was the New Year, everyone had made mistakes and they should give in. But in this situation, they certainly can't handle it so muddled.

If other people follow suit, there will be so much chaos in the family courtyard in the future. This matter must be clarified. Those who made mistakes should also be punished.

Teacher Qi looked at Jiang Anning. This girl seemed to be confident and would not be unprepared.

So Commander Qi said directly: "Whoever doubts should give evidence. Since Comrade Jiang said that this skirt was bought in a department store, then show the evidence?"

Jiang Anning glanced at Lu Xiaozhu, and said to Commander Qi and Principal Ding: "Everyone knows that I often go to Guangzhou because of the factory. I have also bought several skirts in Guangzhou department stores. If you want to know whether Comrade Lu's skirt was bought in a department store, you only need to see if there is a logo on the skirt."

There was no brand awareness during this period, and things like hangtags gradually emerged after the reform and opening up and the connection with the international community, so most clothes of this era did not have logos.

But there are exceptions.

If the clothes are made by tearing the cloth yourself, no one will think of making a logo. But if you buy it, it's not necessarily the case. The dresses in department stores are all made by tailors. Some old tailors came from cloth shops before liberation and would make some secret marks on the clothes they made.

On the one hand, it was the rules of the cloth shops in the past, and on the other hand, they were afraid of being confused if something went wrong.

The several dresses she bought in Yangcheng department stores were all made by the same old master. The style, the stitching, and the subtle design of the cuffs are different from ordinary dresses. The dress on Lu Xiaozhu is obviously the work of that old master.

Since Lu Xiaozhu said that she spoke without thinking because she was anxious, then let's expose her excuse. If the excuse is not valid, then the following words can't be called unintentional.

Ding Huilan was puzzled: "Mark? What mark?"

Not only Ding Huilan was puzzled, but other military wives also didn't understand. Some of them had bought skirts at Yangcheng Department Store and never knew there were logos.

Lu Xiaozhu looked at Jiang Anning doubtfully. She had worn the skirt three times after getting it, but she still hadn't found any logo. Who would put logos on clothes?

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