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"You little brat, you're still being polite to me." Commander Qi walked over, picked up the military uniform on the table, put it on Zhou Enjin, straightened his collar, and looked at the capable general he had brought up, saying, "Just go ahead and do it. If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it. Got it?"

He understood what the commander meant, and told him to go ahead and do it without worrying about offending the power of the female comrade in the capital.

Zhou Enjin straightened his chest and raised his head, his eyes firm, "Don't worry, Commander, no matter where Lan Ping hides, I will find her out."

"You do it, I've never been worried." Commander Qi patted Zhou Enjin on the shoulder: "Okay, go and get busy. I have a phone call to make."

Zhou Enjin did not move, but looked at Commander Qi, "Commander, I want to apply for special rights to monitor and intercept communications on Haisha Island."

"Do you suspect that the other party will use communication equipment this time?" Commander Qi put his index finger and middle finger together and knocked on the table. This is a habit of his when making important decisions.

Monitoring and intercepting communication information cannot be used unless in special circumstances. Lan Ping has leaked the situation of the troops on Haisha Island many times, which has endangered the safety of the island. It is necessary to handle it with special rights.

Since we have decided to strike a blow, it is not impossible to take special measures.

Commander Qi made a decision and looked up and asked: "I will report to my superiors later. Is five days enough for you?"

Based on Commander Qi's understanding of Lan Ping over the years, the other party is very cunning and will not act easily unless necessary. Once he acts, he will basically not leave any clues.

In five days, the other party is likely to be in a wait-and-see stage and will not act easily. It is not easy to catch the other party.

Five days is the longest period he can give for monitoring and intercepting Haisha Island's communication information. If it is longer, the approval will require additional procedures, which is very troublesome.

So he wanted to ask Zhou Enjin if he was sure. If not, the additional procedures should still be followed.

Zhou Enjin's deep eyes shot out a sharp light: "Five days are enough."

"It seems that you have already succeeded. Since it is enough, then five days. I will call right away."

After Zhou Enjin left, Commander Qi called an important person in the capital, "Old leader, I have something to report to you..."

After hanging up the phone, Commander Qi lit a cigarette. With the guarantee of the old leader, he felt much more at ease for this operation.

Red Star Factory.

Zhou Enjin found Aman, "How is the bee situation?"

"Captain Zhou, everything is almost the same as the factory director expected. The death of the bees should be a conspiracy by the other party to deliberately lure the factory director over. After the factory director's accident, the bees in Xingfeng Farm stopped dying after being divided into boxes. Captain Zhou, if the enemy is in the factory, what should we do now? Will there be any problems with our goods?"

Now is the critical moment for the delivery of export goods. If the enemy secretly attacks the goods and fails to deliver them, it will not only be a matter of compensation, but also may damage the image of the country.

Zhou Enjin took out a letter from his pocket, "This is from An Ning. It contains the future arrangements for the factory. As for the problem of the goods, you don't have to worry. The quartermaster will bring people to guard it day and night, and there will be no problem."

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