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Sister Zhai was panting and her forehead was covered with sweat. It was obvious that she had run here.

Jiang Anning's expression froze and he poured a glass of water for Sister Zhai. "Sister Zhai, don't be anxious. Take your time and tell me what happened?"

After drinking the water, Sister Zhai's breathing became much smoother. "Today, Director Aman and the quartermaster took us to Xingming Island. Comrade Kong and Qian Youlai, an expert from the Fisheries Research Institute who was transferred from Hepu to support us, also went with us.

We originally planned to follow your instructions and talk to the people from the Qingshui Brigade about pearl oyster breeding. Unexpectedly, the expert Qian insisted on going to the bay first. We thought that he was an expert who came here specially to support us, and there was nothing to lose by going to take a look. I agreed. The problem lies with this Qian expert..."

When they went there, they happened to see people from the Qingshui Brigade collecting pearls. Qian expert ran over and threw the pearl oysters they collected into the sea.

"The key is that Qian expert not only threw away the pearl oysters, but also said that the bay had been handed over to the factory to develop artificial pearl oyster breeding, and local people were not allowed to catch pearl oysters without permission.

In this way, the local people were annoyed. If Director Aman and the quartermaster had not arrived in time, the two sides would have fought. Now the people from the Qingshui Brigade surrounded us and wanted to ask the factory director for an explanation. "

Jiang Anning didn't know what to say after hearing this.

You are impulsive and reckless for this money. Why do you throw away the pearl oysters that people have worked so hard to pick?

At first, she didn't want the institute to send any more experts. With Uncle Kong's ability, it would be enough for him to lead Li Sheng and others.

But the institute insisted that there was no successful breeding experience, and wanted to send an expert who had cultivated seawater pearls in Hepu.

It would be fine to send someone, but why did they send such a person? I can't see his ability, but he is very good at making trouble.

The people of Qingshui Brigade live in the bay, and there have been pearl divers for generations. This is their livelihood. You, an outsider, not only threw away their livelihood, but also smashed the pot. Will they agree?

Jiang Anning handed An An to Wang Fuhua: "Mom, Aunt Liu, I'll go check on her. I'll leave An An to you."

"Go ahead. Mom and Aunt Liu will take care of An An."

Wang Fuhua held An An in her arms, looking worried. Seeing her youngest daughter leave, she added: "Be careful. If you can't handle it, don't try to be stubborn."

Jiang Anning nodded, "Mom, I understand."

As soon as they left the yard, Jiang Anning and Sister Zhai quickly rushed out of the troop and arrived at the entrance of the troop. "Sister Zhai, wait for me."

She walked towards Liang Shi who was standing guard and said, "Shitou, something happened to the quartermaster. Please report it to the division commander. This is what happened..."

After listening to Liang Shi, he suppressed his anxiety and said, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will go right away."

Jiang Anning nodded and walked to the bus stop with Sister Zhai.

According to the time, the bus should come, but they waited for a long time and no bus came, and they were very anxious.

At this time, a thumping sound came from a distance, and Jiang Anning looked back.

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