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It's not just Red Star Factory, but all product quotations are wrong?

Song Weiming looked at the price list and noticed that the unit was not included after the number. He thought Jiang Anning was referring to this point and quickly explained: "Did Director Jiang refer to the unit? That's right. Considering the exchange rate conversion issue, the price unit is unified in RMB."

Jiang Anning shook his head and pointed to the price on the price list and said: "Comrade Song, you misunderstood. I didn't mean the exchange rate issue. I meant the product price. I have seen the product quotations in the past few years. Take honey and handicrafts for example. Last year, due to the impact of the capitalist economic crisis, the prices of honey and handicrafts of Yangcheng Import and Export Company were lowered.

But this year is different. I asked Mr. Smith to inquire. The economy in Hong Kong and Macao has recovered. In the past three or four days alone, the demand for handicrafts and honey has doubled. With the greatly increased demand, our prices should also be raised according to the international market. However, our prices have only increased by 10%-30% from last year. I think this price increase is too low. "

The prices of the Canton Fair are mainly quoted by the import and export companies themselves. As a subsidiary of the Guangzhou Import and Export Company, Yangcheng Import and Export Company is inevitably unable to cover everything due to information asymmetry. Although it has also raised prices according to the rising international market this year, this price increase is still too conservative.

Later, she had seen in the report that only 13 import and export companies in Shanghai City had more than 400 products raised in price this time.

The price increase of some Chinese herbal medicines and jellyfish skins, which had the highest price increase, was 50%-60%. Of course, some were raised and some were lowered. However, the price increase of most products is relatively appropriate. This spring Canton Fair alone increased the foreign exchange of more than 29 million US dollars because of the price increase. ①

Song Weimin was stunned, "...lower?"

This answer was something he had not expected.

He carefully thought about Jiang Anning's words. The product research of Yangcheng Export Company was done in advance, so it was inevitable that there would be a lag. This year, experts did mention that the international market was rising, but there was no fixed standard for prices. They just raised it conservatively based on past market conditions.

Jiang Anning knew that it would be difficult to convince others with just her words, "Comrade Song, wait a moment. I have a research report on bulk commodities in Hong Kong and Macao in the past week."

Currently, the main buyers of the Canton Fair are still mainly from Hong Kong, Macao and Asia. Most of their products are also purchased from these two regions. The influence of these two places can also reflect the changes in the international market.

Zhou Enjin handed the box of documents to Jiang Anning, and then went to the desk to work without disturbing the two.

After Jiang Anning opened the box, she took out a stack of documents from it. These were all surveys she had paid a lot of money to ask Mr. Smith to help her do in Hong Kong and Macau.

In her previous life, in order to support herself in the human world, she once studied with a flower demon who was a senior executive in an import and export company. She worked as an assistant to him and was responsible for providing moonlight flower dew as a health product. In exchange, he taught her how to live in the human world.

Although she had not studied for a long time, she was very familiar with the import and export research. All the research data in this document are based on the items of later research reports, which are more comprehensive, scientific and more referenceable than current research reports.

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