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"Make way, please make way." Jiang Anning quickly squeezed through the crowd, came to Auntie Sun and squatted down, took a look at the child's condition, "The child's trachea is blocked by a foreign object, give the child to me quickly, it will be too late if you delay."

Auntie Sun quickly gave the child to Jiang Anning.

The child was about the same age as Tieniu, chubby, and his originally chubby and cute face was purple. His little face was panting in pain, and he was about to lose consciousness.

He was still so young, and it was the time for him to grow vigorously. He should not leave this world because of such an accident.

Jiang Anning hugged the child from behind, and his right hand wrapped around his left fist and kept squeezing the child's belly button.

Everyone around held their breath and watched Jiang Anning's actions. Everyone had the same expectation in their eyes - hoping that Jiang Anning's method would work.

At this moment, everyone's heart was moved by Jiang Anning's actions.

Wang Fuhua stood aside with Tieniu, clenching her hands nervously. On the one hand, she was proud of her daughter's courage, but on the other hand, she was afraid that if the child was not saved, her daughter would be blamed by her overly sad family.

Tieniu's hand was pinched by the grandmother, but he didn't cry out. He sensibly leaned on his grandmother and watched his aunt save people.

On the contrary, Zhou Enjin, with a calm face and a height of more than 1.8 meters, stood out in the crowd. Now he stood behind Jiang Anning without saying a word, ready to help his lover at any time.

The golden rescue time of Heimlich maneuver is six minutes. It is difficult to save the child after this time, and even if he is saved, he may have suffered brain damage. ①

The child had been suffocating for a while, and Jiang Anning didn't know whether he could be saved, so she could only try her best.

Fortunately, the child had not completely lost consciousness, and he knew that she was saving him, so he cooperated very well. It didn't take long for the thing blocking his trachea to be vomited out.

It turned out to be a cashew nut from the sea island. Who would have thought that such a small cashew nut almost took the child's life.

Jiang Anning let the child go. She had just focused on saving people and was so nervous that she forgot to breathe. When she relaxed, she was about to fall to the side before she could catch her breath.

A pair of big hands gently supported her waist, and then a military water bottle was handed to her mouth.

"Drink some warm water first." Zhou Enjin helped her sit down and let her lover lean on him to rest.

Qi Tianbao's two big grape-like eyes were still filled with tears. His breathing was smooth, and he immediately cried out and threw himself into his grandma's arms, "Wuwuwu... Grandma, I'm so scared."

Grandma hugged him, patted his back constantly, and comforted him: "Don't be afraid, grandma is here."

The child cried very sadly. Everything that happened just now was too much of a shock to him.

The people around were actually very happy to see the situation, and were glad that the child was fine.

"Thank God, thank God, the stuff was vomited out." They all thought that the child could not be saved. In the past, they had seen too many people who lost their lives due to choking, both men and women, young and old, and few of them could be saved.

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