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Wasn't Cao Weibing arrested? Jiang Anning's face changed: "Which direction did they go?"

"I saw them go to Beiyin Lane." Shi Tounai's face turned pale. If she hadn't run fast, she would have been discovered.

Jiang Anning chased after him without saying a word.

"Don't go..." The man had a knife. Before Shi Tounai finished her words, Jiang Anning had already run away. Shi Tounai stamped her feet on the spot, fearing that Jiang Anning would also get into trouble, and Wang Fuhua would then find her to death.

She just loves to take advantage of small gains and is a bit of a nag, but she has never thought of harming anyone. This matter will not involve her.

Beiyin Lane is an old lane behind the cotton textile factory. A few years ago, a fire broke out there, killing more than a dozen residents. Usually, no one goes there.

It rained yesterday, and the road was muddy and flooded, making it even harder to walk.

Cao Weibing and his two men were carrying the unconscious Tie Niu in the lane.

"Damn, why are there puddles everywhere? Boss, why don't we go through another lane? There are so many puddles. When we pass through, our pants will be soaked." He just spent tens of dollars to buy new cotton pants in the department store, and he was heartbroken.

"Shouhou is right. No one has noticed that we have captured Tieniu anyway. It doesn't matter if we walk slowly. By the time the Jiang family finds out, we will have already left. I say, you should just leave. If you are caught, the organization will not save us."

"Why don't you just stop arresting people? You have many ways to avenge your sister-in-law. You don't have to use this trick. What do you think, boss?" They just stole some food. If they were caught, they would at most go to labor reform. If this is kidnapping, the situation will be serious.

Cao Weibing glanced at the two of them indifferently, "Do you two have any opinions?"

The two younger brothers felt numb at the sight of that, and they dared not say anything more.

Having followed Cao Weibing for so many years, they had never seen such a look in his eyes, full of warnings and scrutiny, cold and vicious. It was as if they were insignificant people who could be abandoned at any time.

To be honest, for so many years, they have been following Cao Weibing, even if they have no merit, they have worked hard. The boss's tone chilled them. Yes, how could they expect him to be good to them when their own elder sister said to abandon them.

"Boss, how dare we have any opinions." The two younger brothers were submissive on the surface, but they had already had some thoughts in their hearts.

Could Cao Weibing not be prepared? He had already prepared a way out, but before leaving, it was necessary to give Jiang Anning, this woman, a little color to see.

He had been planning in Jincheng for so many years, and finally climbed to the position he is today. He really didn't want to leave like this. And all this was thanks to Jiang Anning.

The three of them had their own plans, which bought Jiang Anning some more time. When she arrived, the three were about to leave the Back Shadow Lane. The four of them met.

"Boss, what should we do? She's chasing us?"

"She's just a weak woman, it's not worth your surprise, just catch her. If she dares to resist," Cao Weibing grabbed Tie Niu and gestured with his knife in front of his neck, "The knife in my hand has no eyes."

Jiang Anning was relieved to see that Tie Niu was not injured. His eyes fell on Cao Weibing's face, "The person you want to deal with is me, what's the point of catching a child."

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