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Jiang Anning held Tieniu's hand and wiped it with a towel. She felt someone was looking at her and looked up. She found that it was her lover and smiled: "It's so early today."

The warm sea breeze blew her hair, and the mottled shadows cast by the coconut trees intertwined on Jiang Anning's face. She just stood in the yard, holding Tieniu and looking at herself with a smile.

The black and white almond eyes were moist and shiny, overflowing with joy.

Zhou Enjin's heart seemed to be shocked, and he stood there for a long time without saying a word.

Jiang Anning waved her hand in front of his eyes, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." Zhou Enjin held her lover's hand and led her to the yard, "Old Pei is on a temporary mission and will not come today. He asked me to tell you."

"It's okay, work is more important." Jiang Anning waved her hand and asked Tieniu to go back to the house to change clothes.

When she came out, Zhou Enjin was squatting on a small bamboo stool in the kitchen washing seafood. The tall and strong man was curled up on the small stool to pick shrimp threads, which was inexplicably cute.

He was handsome, with perfect proportions of facial features. Except for his eyes that looked like Mr. Zhou, she guessed that he looked more like his mother. The bloody man had a circle of green stubble on his chin, which added a bit of masculinity.

"Haven't you seen enough?" Zhou Enjin was very sensitive and had noticed Jiang Anning when he came out.

Jiang Anning walked over, squatted in front of him, and tilted her head to look at him with her chin in her hand. The idea of ​​giving birth to a smaller version of Zhou Enjin became more and more intense in her mind, and she blurted out: "Zhou Enjin, let's have a baby."

It would be best to have two, one like you and one like me.

Zhou Enjing paused.

"Sister-in-law, do you need my help?" Zhou Shuting saw that the door of the main room was open and no one was there, so she came in carrying something.

Jiang Anning hurriedly stood up and greeted her, "Third sister, you are here, why do you bring so many things?"

Zhou Shuting put the things on the table without caring, and took out ten milk coupons from her pocket, "This is for Tieniu, he hasn't grown much last time. You can buy him some milk. And this malted milk, I brought it for you from the capital."

This time she came, she cleaned up all the things she brought before, and saw that Jiang Anning and the others took everything they could use. Anyway, she lived in the dormitory and didn't need it.

Tieniu came over with a coconut, "Auntie, drink coconut juice."

Zhou Shuting touched his head, "Thank you Tieniu, you are so good." After drinking a whole coconut, Zhou Shuting felt relieved, "Why is the weather so hot today?"

Jiang Anning looked at the weather outside and found that it was indeed much hotter today. Seeing that it was going to rain, she told Zhou Enjing to put away the clothes.

Zhou Shuting looked at her brother who was suitable for marriage and family life, and sighed sincerely. Men are really different after getting married.

Seeing the love between the two, she was also happy for her brother. This thorn brother who was also brave enough to avenge his mother finally found his happiness.

Dinner was eaten in the yard. The four of them sat in the yard, enjoying the sea breeze while eating, and they enjoyed it very much.

After dinner, the two men in the family, Zhou Enjin and Tieniu, went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, leaving Jiang Anning and Zhou Shuting to sit on the bamboo bed in the yard to rest.

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