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◎A radio factory affiliated to a factory. While eating, Jiang Anning was thinking about Zhou Enjin's words before she left◎

A radio factory affiliated to a factory.

While eating, Jiang Anning was thinking about Zhou Enjin's words before she left.

We will meet soon.

What does he mean by this? Why is he so sure that they will meet soon?

Wang Fuhua waved her hand in front of Jiang Anning, looking worried: "Little girl, why are you absent-minded?" Did the meeting go wrong?

Jiang Anning came back to her senses, "Mom, don't worry, I just suddenly remembered something."

Since I can't think of it, I'll just forget it. Eat, eat.

Wang Fuhua winked at Jiang Quangen, urging him to ask quickly.

Jiang Quangen was a little embarrassed. You should ask, in case the youngest daughter hasn't made up her mind yet.

Jiang Anning saw the two people's eye contact. She frowned slightly and said softly, "Mom and Dad, do you have anything to say?"

"Mom is fine." Wang Fuhua put down her bowl and chopsticks, pinched the soft flesh on Jiang Quangen's waist, and said to her daughter with a smile, "It's your dad. He wants to ask you something, right, old Jiang."

"No...right, it's me who wants to ask." Jiang Quangen was pinched and grinned in pain, but he couldn't show it on his face, so he had to cough awkwardly twice, "Isn't the result going to be announced tomorrow? Dad just wants to ask you, have you decided which one to choose?"

Jiang Anning didn't hide it either. She took out the report and expressed her thoughts. I hope my parents can help me with reference.

Among the three men, the eldest brother Zhou Xinghai is a researcher with a real research spirit, working at the Institute of Tropical Crops of the Sea Island. Logically, he and I are both interested in planting, and there are many topics to talk about, so we should be a good match.

In fact, it is just the opposite.

Maybe he is too passionate about scientific research, Zhou Xinghai has no feelings for other things. Whenever he talks about plants, he is very active. Once he talks about other topics, the two of them basically can't talk. Many times, Jiang Anning says something, except for the stereotyped "hmm", which is basically a cold conversation.

This is very different from her. Although she also likes plants, she likes to enjoy life more. Of course, she hopes to find someone who can share joy with her.

People like Zhou Xinghai are good as partners or colleagues, but they are not suitable for her as husbands.

The youngest Zhou Xinghe was spoiled since childhood, and he still has the temper of a young master, so he is not mature enough. He is not suitable.

"So, you chose Zhou Xingyun?" Jiang Quangen and Wang Fuhua looked at each other, "We also think Zhou Xingyun is more suitable."

The three men in the Zhou family are all good, each with their own advantages. But their daughter is weak, so of course they hope to find someone who can take care of her.

Among the three, Zhou Xingyun performed the best, with lively eyes and mature behavior. He is considerate and caring. He is also the most positive among the three and seems to want to marry his youngest daughter the most.

The most important thing is that Xu Zhenzhen likes her youngest daughter very much, and she doesn't have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law when she marries. Wang Fuhua thinks that without having to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the happiness of marriage is greatly guaranteed.

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