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"Good news?" Jiang Anning took a sip of rose tea and looked at the quartermaster in confusion, "What good news do I have to report? Quartermaster, please don't keep me in suspense. What happened?"

"I remember you said before that when the factory's profits are high, you want to buy a second-hand fishing boat from a state-owned shipyard to go out to sea for trawling. Now the opportunity has come." Qin Yue did not deliberately hide it. He was making arrangements before the Red Star Factory was established.

Jiang Anning leaned forward when he heard this, looking excited, "Which state-owned shipyard has a second-hand fishing boat for sale?"

"It's not a second-hand fishing boat from a state-owned shipyard, but a patrol boat that was eliminated by the army. The army recently replaced a batch of military equipment, and this boat is the old boat that was eliminated this time."

"The army's patrol boat?" Jiang Anning frowned, "Can the army's boat be used by the factory?" After all, it is military equipment, can it be used for civilian purposes? Will it leak the information of the army?

After listening to Jiang Anning's concerns, Qin Yue smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this. The technology of this ship is relatively backward, and there are not many places that can be used. The usable parts are mainly engines and other parts and materials. If the factory wants to use it, it needs to be converted into a fishing boat at the shipyard."

The troops have a special shipyard for cooperation, and the confidentiality work is done very well. As long as this ship enters this shipyard, the converted fishing boat will not leak any information at all.

Qin Yue also explained the advantages and disadvantages of this ship very clearly, "The advantages of this ship are materials and parts, and the disadvantages are also obvious. It costs a lot to convert it into a fishing boat. I asked the shipyard, and the cost of ordinary conversion is 100,000, and the cost of high-performance conversion is 150,000."

"Chief Steward, please let us discuss it. Please wait here for a while, and we will give you an answer after discussion."

The chief steward agreed.

Jiang Anning left the office and called the backbone of the factory. Everyone sat in the meeting to discuss.

"Aman, tell me about your visit to the shipyard hall."

Aman nodded, looked at everyone and said, "I have visited all the shipyards on Haisha Island before, and the prices are similar. The difference is not big. The purchase price of a small fishing boat ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands, while a large fishing boat is much more expensive, ranging from 200,000 to 500,000. This is the price of a steel fishing boat, and a wooden fishing boat will be cheaper."

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect a fishing boat to be so expensive. No wonder many fishing brigades on Haisha Island use wooden boats made by themselves, and most of them are small fishing boats.

At that time, the workers' wages were only more than 30 yuan a month, and a boat would cost tens of thousands at the cheapest. How many brigades could afford it? Although the boats I built myself can only go offshore, they can at least make a living.

Guo Xiu'e asked: "It seems that it is better to modify it. Just in terms of price, it is much cheaper. Not to mention the performance."

The modification fee alone seems to be enough to buy a brand new fishing boat, but don't forget that this is a boat eliminated by the army. It has a good innate foundation. The materials and performance are definitely incomparable to ordinary fishing boats. The modified fishing boat will also be better than ordinary fishing boats.

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