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From the fact that Captain Wu ignored the dirt on Haimei's mother and carried her for several miles to the health station, we can see that Wu Jinong seems to be unkind on the surface, but in fact he is thinking about the brigade wholeheartedly.

Now he refuses to agree to the Gulf aquaculture for the sake of the young men of the army, and in the future he can agree to the Gulf aquaculture for the sake of the young men of the army.

Wu Jinong picked up the teacup, "Director Jiang, please speak."

Jiang Anning looked at the face in front of him that was tanned by the scorching sun, and said, "If I were Captain Wu, I would agree to this Bay Plan. Not only would I agree, I would also fully cooperate."

"If that's what you want to say, then there's no need to talk about it. I won't joke with you about the livelihood of the brigade." Wu Jinong said and stood up to leave.

Jiang Anning did not stop him and continued, "Captain Wu, I never had the idea of ​​joking with the brigade. I and the Red Star Factory are different from the experts who came here in the past. We really want to develop the bay. Given the current situation in the bay, if no changes are made, the damaged coral reefs will not recover, and the number of pearl oysters will only decrease. What happened to Jaime's mother will not be the last time, and more people will become sea urchins in the future.

Aren't the young people who were forced to become sea urchins and died in the sea in the past two years enough to illustrate the problem? How many young people can the Qingshui Brigade lose? How long can the life maintained by the increasingly scarce pearl oysters in the bay last?"

Her voice was gentle, but her words were loud, Questions one after another struck Wu Jinong's heart.

This is also the question that has echoed in his mind countless times over the years.

Wu Jinong sat back in his chair and remained silent.

The destruction of coral reefs is irreversible. Even if artificial breeding is not carried out, the pearl oysters in this sea area will gradually decrease until they are gone. In the end, they can only be forced to become sea surfers and go to the sea to make a living. The ending is the same.

He wanted to improve the life of the team, but he was powerless to do anything about this situation. They seemed to have no other choice.

Director Jiang was right about one thing. If they did not seek a new way out, the incident of Haimei's family would repeat itself.

"Captain Wu, I really hope that the bay can be developed. I hope that you can temporarily put aside the shadows brought by past experts and think carefully."

Jiang Anning didn't have the heart to puncture their illusions, but when she was walking around the brigade just now, she really felt the embarrassment and powerlessness of the Qingshui Brigade.

They worked hard to farm and go to sea, just to have food for their wives and children at home. But in the end, they could only barely survive after such hard work. Not to mention improving their lives, it was difficult to have enough food.

There are many brigades like this that rely on the weather for food. She is limited in her ability and cannot do everything, but now she has the opportunity to help the Qingshui Brigade, so she will do her best to persuade them. Not only for the purpose of raising pearl oysters for export, but also for earning money, she really hopes to help the Qingshui Brigade.

"Captain Wu, this time the pearl oyster farming is not led by experts like Qian Youlai, but by the Haisha Island troops. You can distrust the experts, but you can trust the troops."

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