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Jiang Anning thought it would take some time, but she found Ningyuan Mountain so quickly. Her parents would be very happy if they knew. She couldn't wait to tell Wang Fuhua and the others the good news.

After asking for the address and exchanging a few words with Zhou Xinghai, Jiang Anning immediately called Jincheng.

Jincheng was far from Haidao, and it took three minutes to get through.

The auntie at the post office was kind-hearted. When she heard that they were looking for Wang Fuhua, she immediately guessed her identity, "Comrade Jiang, wait a moment, your mother and father just left the post office, and they haven't gone far yet. I'll go call them."

"Okay, thank you, auntie." Jiang Anning hung up the phone and stood by and waited.

The waiting time was particularly hard, especially when the long-awaited thing had come to fruition. Thinking that Tieniu's leg could be cured, Jiang Anning's heart was like filled with water, and joy kept overflowing.

Tieniu's leg has always been a pain for the family. Wang Fuhua has secretly shed tears more than once when looking at Tieniu's back. In order to let Tieniu grow up healthily like a normal child, the family has spent a lot of thought on Tieniu.

When they first learned that Tieniu's leg could not be cured, Jiang Anning would talk to Tieniu every night before going to bed and tell him heroic stories, hoping that he could grow up healthily and not become inferior because of his leg injury.

Tieniu is also a sensible child. He did not make them worry and grew up to be a happy and responsible little man.

After waiting for five minutes, the phone rang. Jiang Anning picked up the phone and put it to her ear: "Hello?"

"Anning, it's me." The voice of her mother Wang Fuhua came from the inside, and her rapid breathing could be heard from the phone, "Did something happen to you?"

Knowing that her mother had misunderstood, Jiang Anning quickly explained: "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry."

Wang Fuhua wiped the sweat from her forehead, breathed a sigh of relief, and complained: "Child, you didn't speak clearly, and Mom thought something happened and was scared to death. Your face turned pale. I'm glad you're fine. Phone calls are expensive, tell me if you have anything to say."

Jiang Quangen stood beside her and leaned over to listen to his daughter's voice. Although An Ning had called to ensure safety when he first arrived at the island, he still didn't hear enough.

Hearing Wang Fuhua's urging, Jiang An Ning quickly picked up the important things to say, otherwise, with her mother's personality, she would not want to call for too long and would just hang up directly.

"It's about Tie Niu. I found out the address of Doctor Ning. It's in a brigade under Haisha Island."

The phone was silent for a while, only the sound of breathing could be heard. After two seconds of silence, Wang Fuhua's voice rang again, with a tremor, "So Tie Niu's leg can be saved?"

"It's not certain yet. We have to find Doctor Ning to understand the situation before we can know." Jiang An Ning said conservatively. After all, Doctor Ning has been sent to the farm for several years and she doesn't know what the situation is now.

However, as long as Dr. Ning can be found, there will be a glimmer of hope for Tie Niu's leg.

"That's good too." Wang Fuhua wiped her tears and nodded repeatedly while holding the phone. "We should first understand the situation. I am also concerned, so what can your father and I do?"

"Mom and Dad, you don't have to do anything. I will call you after I have arranged everything."

After talking about Tie Niu, Jiang Anning asked about the situation at home: "Are you and Dad in good health? I bought some seafood here. I will send it back to you after it is dried. I also made shrimp sauce using local sand shrimp. It is delicious whether it is used for mixing vegetables or cooking."

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