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Seeing the pretty aunt, Ning Siming wanted to run over.

Tieniu held him back and imitated his uncle in his memory, "Don't run around, be careful with your stomach."

Yes, he was pregnant with the eldest child. Pregnant women can't do strenuous exercise.

Ning Siming stopped, a trace of guilt appeared on her round face, she patted her bulging stomach, and carefully imitated the pregnant women at the health station to walk.

Baby, I won't run anymore. Don't be afraid.

Tieniu plucked up the courage to walk in front of his aunt, his almond-shaped eyes similar to hers were firm, "Aunt, I'm pregnant, and the child is mine."

Ning Siming walked to the eldest brother, holding his bulging belly like a pregnant woman, "My and the eldest brother's baby. We will be responsible. I have 50 yuan in pocket money, and the eldest brother has 382.5 yuan in pocket money, so we can raise the baby."

Jiang Anning didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It took a lot of effort to explain to the two children that kissing would not cause pregnancy.

Tieniu and Ning Siming's eyes flashed with a trace of loss. They had planned how to raise a child with their pocket money, and even shared the picture of the three of them going to school hand in hand, but there was no child.

They thought that having a child meant they were adults, and that they didn't have to do homework. They had never seen adults with children do homework, and they urged their children to do homework.

"It seems that they will still have to do homework in the future. It's so hard for elementary school students." Tieniu sighed like a little adult.

"I heard that you can eat a lot of delicious food after pregnancy, alas, I can't eat it now." Ning Siming's round face was full of regret.

Jiang Anning: "?"

The children were fine, Jiang Anning asked the two to continue doing their homework and left Tieniu's room.

Tieniu and Ning Siming looked at each other, sighed, and resignedly picked up the pencil to do their homework.

Main room.

Wang Fuhua was watching the children while picking vegetables. When she saw her youngest daughter, she asked, "Are Tieniu and Siming okay? They were crying so hard just now. Did they have a fight?"

"No." Thinking of what the two children had said just now, Jiang Anning couldn't help laughing and told her what happened just now.

After listening to her, Wang Fuhua laughed to tears, "These two little guys are really funny."

When Anan saw her grandmother and mother laughing, she also grinned and babbled.

Jiang Anning prepared a rich feast for the full moon banquet tonight. In addition to the main dish of braised pork, there are also garlic seafood, lemon hand-torn chicken, crispy pork, red fish and braised pork belly, steamed white fish, donkey soup and other dishes.

There is also a cold rabbit dish.

Before, the third brother Jiang Aijun sent her some cold rabbit and asked her to give her advice. After tasting it, Jiang Anning gave her the third brother some suggestions for improvement and asked him to send some samples after the improvement.

Now this cold rabbit dish is the improved recipe. The taste is more mellow and delicious than before. It is said that the driver of the cold rabbit transportation company of the third brother fell in love with it as soon as he tasted it and has signed a cooperation contract with the transportation company.

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