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Tieniu and Ning Siming hung their heads, being led by Uncle Xiao, looking reluctant.

Jiang Anning rushed outside the army and saw the two children. The stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, "Uncle Xiao, thank you for sending the two kids back."

"You are friends of the liberation, call me uncle, this little favor is nothing." Uncle Xiao showed a simple smile on his face that was tanned by the sun.

Jiang Anning touched the heads of the two kids, "Why don't you thank Grandpa Xiao quickly."

Tieniu and Siming pouted and shouted unhappily: "Thank you, Grandpa Xiao."

What kind of attitude is this?

Jiang Anning frowned and was about to say something, but was stopped by Uncle Xiao: "These two little guys are not happy that I caught them. You, don't blame them."

Jiang Anning did not let them go. The two little guys didn't know how dangerous it was to run around and were still throwing tantrums. She didn't intend to get used to them.

Some principles should be taught from a young age. Don't think that children don't understand and don't teach them. When they grow up and their temperaments are determined, it will be too late to teach them.

In her previous life, she saw many naughty children make mistakes, and their parents didn't educate them, and just brushed it off with a sentence "He is still a child", but they didn't know that this would harm the children instead.

"Aunt taught you to be polite since you were young. Grandpa Xiao is an elder and was kind enough to send you home. You treat him like this, which is impolite. And do you know why Grandpa Xiao sent you back instead of pretending not to see you and ignoring you?"

Tien Niu was originally a smart and sensible child. He was just swayed by his emotions just now. After being reminded by his aunt, he thought about it carefully and knew the reason. He hung his head and was a little stubborn: "Grandpa Xiao was afraid that we would encounter danger and he sent us home because he cared about us."

Siming also nodded: "Yes, Grandpa Xiao was worried about us, so he sent us home."

"Since you all know that Grandpa Xiao is kind, why did you use the attitude just now, Will it hurt Grandpa Xiao's feelings?" Jiang Anning continued in a soft voice: "And do you know that Grandpa Xiao delayed working for a day to send you back. If he earns less work points, he will get less food, and if he has no food, he may be hungry. Why would he rather go hungry to send you home? It's because he loves you and is afraid that you will encounter danger or bad people, get injured or be kidnapped by kidnappers when you are young. "

The more the two boys talked, the lower their heads drooped.

Tienniu and Siming only thought about going to Xiangyang Brigade before, and never thought about whether it was dangerous or not. They were also dissatisfied with Grandpa Xiao for preventing them from completing the task of taking the chicken. Only after hearing what the old aunt said did they realize their own recklessness and Grandpa Xiao's painstaking efforts.

"Aunt, we were wrong. We shouldn't have run around." Tieniu and Siming ran to Uncle Xiao, and looked at him with their big black eyes with sincerity: "Grandpa Xiao, I'm sorry, thank you for sending us back."

The two children were so sensible, and Uncle Xiao's eyes were full of love. He touched the heads of the two children with his hands full of love, "You are all good children, Grandpa Xiao doesn't blame you."

Uncle Xiao had something else to do, so Jiang Anning didn't keep him for long and mentioned the matter of Wenchang chicken breeding. Uncle Xiao said that the quantity was too large, and if they didn't want to be cut off by the capitalist tail, they had to find the team leader to talk in the name of the collective.

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