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That day, Smith and his party, accompanied by Comrade Wu Xuechen from the Ministry of Foreign Trade, arrived at the Haisha Island Pier by ship.

After Zhou Enjin got up in the morning, Jiang Anning also got up. When her husband came back from cooking, she had already washed up and changed into a brand new long skirt.

The skirt was brought back from the capital by her sister-in-law last time. It was a popular style in the capital. The skirt was red plaid stripes. The original waist was changed to a high waist, which would not squeeze the belly and show a gentle and neat temperament.

At six o'clock in the morning, the two finished breakfast, handed the iron bull to the third sister, and got on the jeep sent by the division commander to take them to the Red Star Factory on Haisha Island.

Sitting in the car, Jiang Anning kept drinking water and biting her lips, "Enjin, I'm a little nervous, what should I do?"

She was full of enthusiasm when she got up in the morning and wanted to show her skills. As a result, she was a little nervous when she got in the car. Everyone attached great importance to this technical exchange. The greater the responsibility on her shoulders, the more she got in the car, her mind started to be confused and she didn't listen.

Zhou Enjin held her lover's hand and patted her hand soothingly: "Don't be afraid, you have to have confidence in yourself. I will accompany you."

Her husband's comfort gave her some confidence. She tried to take a deep breath and constantly gave herself positive hints. She didn't avoid the worst situation. Her mind was spinning rapidly, deducing how to solve it if she encountered the worst situation. With a plan, I felt much less nervous.

Mr. Smith's ship arrived at the dock at 9 o'clock, and it was expected to arrive at the factory at around 9:40.

Jiang Anning came early because she had other things to deal with. Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the factory office, she found that except for Sister Xiu'e who couldn't come because she was about to give birth, Aman, Wang Guifen and some employees had come early.

"Why did you come so early?" Although Jiang Anning understood everyone's mood to come early, it was not yet completely light in the day, and it would take several hours for Mr. Smith to come, which was too early.

Hearing Jiang Anning's question, Aman, Wang Guifen and several other workers were a little embarrassed and stammered, "In fact, we didn't sleep all night last night."

"Yes, I have never seen a foreigner in my life. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep when I thought about meeting several people today. Anyway, I couldn't sleep, so I just came early to prepare."

"I am really curious about what foreigners look like. When I go back to my hometown this year, I have to show off. No one in our team has seen a foreigner, and I must be the first." This is a big deal, so we have to get up early.

Aman was worried about tomorrow's reception, Wang Guifen was worried about communication failures tomorrow, and the rest of them were worried and excited, but none of them slept.

This was obviously not an isolated case or the behavior of a few people. Other workers also rushed to the factory one after another, and the latest arrived half an hour earlier than usual.

Seeing everyone so excited and nervous, Jiang Anning was not nervous. She seemed to be the kind of person who was calmer the more nervous she was.

Although preparations had been made a few days ago, everyone still checked intensively to ensure that everything was foolproof.

The workers put on clean and tidy blue work clothes, hats and masks, and prepared for today's work at their posts.

When foreign guests came to visit, they still worked as usual.

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