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Jiang Anning closed the door and followed Wang Fuhua to their room. Tieniu was already very sleepy and fell asleep on the bed.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Jiang Anning tucked the quilt for Tieniu and asked softly.

Wang Fuhua took the coat she was wearing and took out the passbook and tickets wrapped in layers of kraft paper from the inner compartment and handed them to Jiang Anning, "This is the medical expenses that your eldest brother and sister-in-law saved for Tieniu, you keep it."

Jiang Anning opened the passbook and took a look, "Mom, Tieniu's surgery won't cost that much." There was about a thousand yuan in the passbook.

My eldest brother and his wife only earn a little over 100 yuan a month. After deducting the money they send home for food and drink, and occasionally buying things for them, they can save about 50 yuan a month. This amount of money is almost all their savings.

Wang Fuhua stuffed the passbook and the receipt into Jiang Anning's hand, "You keep this money first. Tieniu's leg needs nutrition to recover. This kind of surgery will take at least more than a month. During this period, you can eat and live without any fees. You are married now, not alone. Brothers should settle accounts clearly, so as not to hurt each other because of money in the future."

Jiang Anning knew what her mother meant, but she would take the money that should be taken, but she would not take the money that did not need to be so clear, "Mom, I will keep the passbook. The surgery fee and medical expenses will be deducted from it, and as for the food and accommodation, I can't charge you. Tieniu is my nephew. It's rare for him to come to the island. As an aunt, can I not take care of his food and accommodation? Besides, living at home, The vegetables and seafood we eat don't cost much. "

It's true that brothers should be clear about their accounts, but if they are too clear about some things, they will alienate the family affection.

The daughter of the family said very clearly, and Wang Fuhua felt very comforted in her heart, but at the same time, she couldn't help feeling a sense of loss. The daughter of the family has grown up, and she is no longer the little kid who snuggles up to her and teaches her everything.

Being a parent is so contradictory. When the children are young, they hope that their children will be sensible sooner, but when they are really sensible and don't need them as much as before, parents will feel sad.

"Mom, why are you crying?" Jiang Anning hurriedly wiped Wang Fuhua's tears, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Wang Fuhua was still a little embarrassed, and said while wiping her tears: "Why are you still peeing?" Afraid that the girl would misunderstand, she explained, "Mom is just happy, you have grown up, and you don't need mom as much as before."

Jiang Anning went forward to hug her mother, patting her back like Wang Fuhua comforted her when she was hurt by the soul, and whispered: "Mom, didn't the song sing, 'A child with a mother is like a treasure, and a child without a mother is like a grass'. No matter how old I am, I am your youngest daughter. Even if I am sixty years old, I am still your youngest daughter. Yes, you need me."

"Silly lady, when you are sixty, I can't walk anymore, what can I do for you?" Wang Fuhua said, but she burst into tears because of the lady's comfort, "Okay, I won't cry anymore. You are more thoughtful than I thought, so I am relieved. You don't want the money, but you have to keep the tickets. This time, I exchanged some national grain tickets, and there is still some money for you to keep in the bottom of the box."

Jiang Anning only took the grain tickets, not the money, "Mom, I took all the monthly salary of Enjin. Before I got married, my parents, second sister, third brother, grandma, and Tieniu all gave me dowry. I am a rich woman now." As the youngest daughter, she made a smug expression to Wang Fuhua.

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