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The steering wheel failed, but the truck was speeding up, and the brakes were ineffective.

Outside the mountain road was a steep slope, and below was a rocky beach. Sharp rocks stood sideways, and if the car fell down, the people would be disabled if not dead.

"Director, what should we do now?" The female driver was already scared, her lips turned pale, and her hands and feet were weak.

The more dangerous the situation, the calmer Jiang Anning became. Seeing that the car was about to run off the road, she made a quick decision and shouted: "Jump out of the car!"

The female driver hurriedly opened the door, rolled out, hit the rocks on the hillside, and her legs snapped.

She endured the pain and grabbed the weeds on the slope tightly to stop falling. Looking back, she only saw Xiao Lanhua, who had also jumped out of the truck, but not Jiang Anning.

She was stunned, "Sister Lanhua, where is the factory director?"

With tears in her eyes, Xiao looked at the truck that kept rolling down, and her tone was full of sadness, "The factory director didn't come out."

Hearing this, the female driver's face turned pale. She wanted to stand up and check the truck's condition, but a piercing pain came from her calf. Xiao Lanhua helped her up, "Don't move, your leg is broken. I'll support you."

The truck kept rolling on the hillside, rolling down at an increasingly faster speed.

Just now, Jiang Anning tried to jump out of the car, but the door had a problem and couldn't be opened at all. No matter how hard she pushed the door, it was like it was welded shut, and the lines didn't move.

This time was very short, and she had no way to take any measures, and the truck had already rolled over.

The current car had no seat belts, and she couldn't control her body during the truck's rollover. She flew out and hit the car, and then kept rolling in the car as the truck rolled over, scratching her body.

At the critical moment, Jiang Anning thought of the wax layer bubbles, and used all her strength to summon a thick enough wax layer bubble to wrap herself.

Jiang Anning was wrapped in it, and the wax layer bubbles continued to thicken, playing a buffering role and dispersing the impact. When the wax layer of bubbles filled the front of the car, Jiang Anning's body finally stopped moving.

She was wrapped in a thick layer of waxy bubbles. Except for the scratches and bruises from the collision, which made her bleed, it looked scary, but they were all superficial injuries and nothing serious.

The truck continued to roll over. When it was about to fall into the ravine, it was a vertical 90-degree cliff. The truck fell straight down and hit the boulder in the ravine and stopped.

"Sister Lanhua, the factory director, will the factory director..." The female driver choked up when she said this. She looked at the truck that stopped after hitting the boulder and tears flowed down.

Although Xiao Lanhua didn't cry, her face didn't look much better, with red eyes, "The factory director is a lucky person, she will be fine. You wait here. I'll go down and take a look."

Although they said so, they all knew that Jiang Anning's situation would not be optimistic after such a high roll.

Xiao Lanhua squatted down and slid down the hillside little by little. She almost stopped sliding into the ravine. She gritted her teeth and climbed up to the female driver. "Sister Liu, there are five or six meters of steep cliffs below. We can't go down at all. We can't save the factory manager by ourselves. I'm going to Xingfeng Farm to find someone now. You wait here for me."

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