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Captain Yu dragged Aman along all the way. Aman staggered behind him and had to jog to catch up. It could almost be said that she was dragged.

"Old Yu, what's wrong with you? Let me go!"

Captain Yu turned a deaf ear to him, looked gloomy, and walked quickly.

It was exactly four o'clock in the afternoon. The soldiers were training, and the military families were either busy at work or busy making dinner. There were not many people on the road. Captain Yu was fearless.

Aman had no choice but to pinch Captain Yu's hand with the hand that was dragged.

Captain Yu felt pain, shook off her hand, and was about to slap her in the face. His eyes fell on the patrol soldiers passing by, clenched his fist, and let it go.

"Hello, Captain Yu, hello, sister-in-law."

Aman smiled and greeted the young soldiers, and Captain Yu nodded.

Although the young soldiers felt that the atmosphere between the two was strange, they didn't take it to heart when they saw that they were fine, and continued to patrol.

This place was close to the family compound, and Captain Yu was afraid of being seen, so he urged Aman to go back with a stern face.

When they arrived at the yard, Aman's mother-in-law Gao Hong was picking vegetables with her children in the yard. Seeing Captain Yu's face, she was very worried and followed him into the house.

Captain Yu threw his hat on the table, picked up the enamel pot on the table and drank, then spit it out: "Go make me another cup of tea."

Gao Hong looked at Aman, "Aman, what are you still standing there for? Go make tea."

Aman was about to go when Captain Yu's voice rang out, "Stop." He looked at Gao Hong: "You go make tea. Take the child with you."

Gao Hong was embarrassed, and after hesitating for a moment, she still spoke up to plead for Aman: "Jiangang, if you really don't want Aman to go to the factory, Aman can also not go. Is that right?" She gestured to Aman to agree first, and then make a long-term plan.

Unexpectedly, Aman, who used to be weak and easy to talk to, straightened his chest and said with his neck stiff: "Even if you don't agree, I will go to the factory."

These days in the factory, she was very tired every day, but she was very happy. Seeing An Ning, she finally understood that women don't have to be money-losing goods, don't have to work around the stove every day, and can have their own careers.

She wanted to be like An Ning.

This belief was planted as a seed from the beginning of the sideline group, and gradually grew into a towering tree.

"This is outrageous. You get out." Captain Yu pushed the child and Gao Hong out of the main door, closed the door, looked at Aman, pulled out the belt, and approached Aman with a gloomy face.

Gao Hong could only take the child to the kitchen to cook.

Fierce quarrels and scolding came from the room.

At first, Aman's voice could still be heard, but slowly the voice became smaller and smaller, leaving only painful sobs.

"A woman who doesn't stay at home to take care of her husband and children, but goes out to show off in public, you don't think it's shameful, but I do."

Captain Yu grabbed Aman's collar, touched her face and said softly: "It's a pity that your face is swollen after so much effort. From now on, just stay at home and be obedient, and I won't beat you. Do you understand?"

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