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It has only been a few months, and he has lost his position in front of the youngest sister. Jiang Aijun wanted to cry.

After Jiang Anning gave the things to her husband, she realized belatedly that she seemed to have forgotten to tell the third brother about her pregnancy, and turned back to look at the third brother.

The third brother looked resentful.

"Well, third brother, I..." Jiang Anning walked over and took the third brother's arm, and said coquettishly: "Third brother, I didn't mean to not tell you, I just forgot for a moment. Please forgive the youngest sister."

When she was busy, she completely forgot about it.

Jiang Aijun couldn't stand her coquetry, "Okay, okay, third brother is not angry with you, now you can rest assured."

What else can you do with your sister? You can only pamper her. Besides, what could the youngest sister do wrong? He was not angry or disappointed, he was just a little jealous, and he didn't like someone.

He must observe carefully during this period. If he finds that the other party is not good to the youngest sister, his fists are not for show.

Thinking of the last time he challenged Zhou Enjin and had no power to resist, Jiang Aijun silently added in his heart: Even if he can't win, he must let the other party know that they are not vegetarians in the Jiang family.

"Third brother, give me the package." Zhou Enjin put the package for his wife and Aman and greeted the third brother.

Jiang Aijun handed him the package, walked to the co-pilot seat, and was about to get in when Jiang Anning stopped him, "Brother San, don't hurry up and get in the car. Weren't you curious about the seafood in the south before? I'll take you to the seafood market while it's still early. This is a major feature of Haisha Island."

It was less than 4:30 at this time, but the seafood market was already bustling with people. People were unloading, buying and selling seafood, and under the dim lights of the ships, the narrow road was full of seafood sellers on both sides, extending to the end of the sight.

The group walked and looked around.

There were all kinds of fish and shrimp in large and small barrels, and the fertilizer bags on the ground were piled with fist-sized oysters, abalone and various snails, with a wide variety of species.

Jiang Aijun was overwhelmed by the sight. It was his first time visiting a seafood market and he was surprised by the bustle.

Hearing the locals haggling with a slight accent, Jiang Aijun realized that the seafood here was really cheap. The fish and shrimp that cost as much as fat meat in Jincheng only cost a few cents per pound here.

Jiang Anning held a flashlight and smiled, "Are you scared by the bustle here?"

"I am your third brother, it is impossible to be scared, but I am a little shocked. There are too many seafood and too many people here."

"That's true. In Jincheng, there are only so many people when there is a big market, and the seafood market in Haisha Island is very busy almost every morning. It's still early now, and some boats have not returned from the sea yet, otherwise there will be more people."

Aman also said, "It's a pity that Third Brother Jiang didn't stay for long, otherwise he would come back in the autumn fishing season, and the bustle of the market would be several times more."

The few people talked and laughed all the way, Zhou Enjin rarely interrupted, and his eyes were gently protecting his wife, occasionally reminding his lover to be careful of the stones under his feet or to keep away from the crowded crowd.

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