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Jiang Anning felt as if a huge rock was pressing on her left chest, and she had difficulty breathing: "Mom, don't worry, tell me, what happened to Dad?"

Wang Fuhua wiped her tears: "I just called and your grandma answered the phone. She said that your dad's stent suddenly broke while he was working in the factory today, and he fell from a height of three meters. He is now being examined in the hospital, and the specific situation is still unknown. Anning, what if something happened to your dad..." At this point, she choked and couldn't continue.

"No, don't think badly." Jiang Anning's tears rolled in her eyes, but she tried hard not to let them fall. "Dad will be fine. Did grandma say when the test results will be out?"

Wang Fuhua shook her head, "The doctor just finished the test on your dad, but there is no result yet. Your grandma said she would call me later."

As she was talking, the phone rang.

"It must be your grandma." Wang Fuhua rushed over to pick up the phone. It was indeed Miao Cuilan who called. She asked nervously, "Mom, how is Quan Gen?"

Jiang Anning and Tie Niu also went over to listen.

Mrs. Miao's voice was a little hoarse, "The doctor said that thanks to Quan Gen wearing a wicker helmet, he is not seriously injured. It's just that his left leg is broken. I don't remember the word, but it's just a broken leg. He needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few more days."

Hearing that it was just a broken leg, Wang Fuhua and Jiang Anning both breathed a sigh of relief. It's a blessing in disguise, as long as he is not seriously injured.

"Mom, I'll go buy a ticket back to Jincheng later. Quan Gen will trouble you for the next two days." Fortunately, Miao Cuilan was there, otherwise Jiang Quan Gen would not know what to do alone in Jincheng.

"What's the problem? Quan Gen is my son. It's my duty to take care of him." Miao Cuilan said fiercely, but her words were full of care and consideration. "And you, take Tie Niu to see his leg. It's a rare trip. Why are you in a hurry to come back? Quan Gen is here. I and the old man are taking care of him. He eats well and sleeps well. You don't have to worry about him."

Although the mother-in-law's tone was impatient, Wang Fuhua knew that she was afraid that she would worry and rush back, so she hurriedly said: "Mom, Tie Niu's leg has been operated on and is recovering well. I will take him to see the doctor tomorrow and I will be back the day after tomorrow."

Miao Cuilan was also happy to hear that her great-grandson's leg was fine.

Wang Fuhua handed the phone to Jiang Anning: "Your grandma wants to talk to you."

"Grandma, it's me, Anning." Jiang Anning took the phone.

"An Ning, I've heard about Tie Niu following you. Your grandson-in-law is a good man. You can judge people better than grandma. If you get wronged outside, don't be afraid. Call your parents. Although our Jiang family is small, we are all good people. Do you understand?"

Jiang An Ning nodded twice, "Got it. Grandma, there are a lot of seafood on the island. I dried a lot of dried seafood for you. I'll bring it to you when mom comes back."

Although Mrs. Miao is a thrifty person, she is still relatively generous when it comes to food. She laughed happily when she heard it: "Seafood? That's a rare commodity. Grandma is like a rat falling into a water tank this time, catching up with the fashion."

At the end, Miao Cuilan asked Wang Fuhua to give the phone, and the two talked a few more words, all about family matters.

After Wang Fuhua finished the call, Jiang Anning obviously felt that she was not as anxious to go back as before, and asked curiously: "Mom, what did grandma say?"

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