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Jiang Anning's face changed: "Did Manager Wu tell me what's going on?"

Aman shook his head: "Manager Wu only told you to go over there, I don't know the details."

"Okay, I got it." Jiang Anning put down the beehive and turned to Guo Xiu'e beside her and said: "Sister Xiu'e, I'll go to the state-owned hotel right away to check the situation. You go and tell the quartermaster. If I don't come back, what will the quartermaster do?"

She must prepare for the worst, so that if anything happens, the troops can think of a solution in advance.

Guo Xiu'e nodded carefully: "Don't worry, sister An Ning, I will go to find the quartermaster right away."

Jiang An Ning wanted to go alone, Guo Xiu'e and Aman disagreed, "Being reported can be a big deal, and having someone accompany you can also take care of you."

Jiang An Ning thought it was right, so she didn't refuse.

"Okay, Aman, you go to the army gate and wait for me first, I'll go back to the sideline group office." After saying that, Jiang An Ning walked quickly to the sideline group office, took out the relevant instructions and certificates of the sideline group given by the army, put them in the military bag, and hurried to the army gate to meet Aman.

Aman rode a big golden deer bicycle and took Jiang An Ning to the pier. The bicycle was left at the pier, and the two bought the nearest ferry to Guangzhou.

They arrived in Guangzhou at noon the next day. They didn't bother to eat and went directly to the state-owned hotel.

The saleswoman of the state-owned hotel recognized Jiang Anning and hurried over, "You are finally here. Manager Wu is waiting for you in the office. I will take you there."

Jiang Anning nodded: "Thank you for leading the way."

"It's okay." The saleswoman waved her hand. Leading the two to the back of the state-owned hotel, seeing that there was no one around, she pulled them to a corner and shared her experience: "At this time, anything that involves reporting will cause trouble, but don't be too nervous. Manager Wu said that dried mangoes are agricultural and sideline products, and they are grown by the military families themselves and sold. Moreover, we sell dried mangoes after the supply and marketing cooperatives have completed their purchase mission and no longer accept mangoes. It is difficult for the office to crack down on speculation and profiteering, so don't panic." After listening to the elder sister's words, Jiang Anning and Aman looked at each other and felt relieved. Being reported is not scary, but it is scary to be reported online and define bad political nature. After entering the state-owned hotel manager's office, Jiang Anning took a quick glance and took in everything in the office.

Manager Wu was sitting on a stool, and to his right stood a group of tall and strong men with red bands on their arms. They should be the so-called police team.

Manager Wu introduced Jiang Anning and the others, "Captain Feng, this is the consignor of dried mangoes, Comrade Jiang Anning, the leader of the sideline group of the Haisha Island unit."

After that, Manager Wu made a look at Jiang Anning, signaling her to relax, and continued, "Comrade Jiang, this is Captain Feng Yangming of the Supervision Team of the Yangcheng Anti-Speculation Office."

Captain Feng is a square-faced, upright middle-aged man wearing a Zhongshan suit, looking very dignified.

"Someone reported that you were speculating, digging into the corners of socialism, and dismantling the socialist platform. What do you have to say?"

Aman was a little scared after just one look, and subconsciously approached Jiang Anning, and then he felt more at ease.

Before she got married, she often went to the black market in Yangcheng to sell things for survival. She had fought wits and courage with the "daban" several times, and she was nervous when she saw these people wearing red headbands.

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