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A person who was both unexpected and expected by Zhou Enjin - Xiao Cui.

Xiao Cui is the daughter-in-law of Zhu, deputy commander of the first regiment of the third brigade. She is in her thirties and has been on the island for six or seven years. She is one of the military dependents who participated in the construction of the island early.

When Sister Xiu'e and his wife exchanged swimming areas and were stung by jellyfish, Xiao Cui was the coach of the family swimming training. As a suspicious object, Zhou Enjin sent people to keep an eye on her. In the past few months, Xiao Cui has not shown any abnormality.

Despite this, Zhou Enjin's intuition told him that Xiao Cui had a problem. So after finding that Xiao Cui was not abnormal, he still did not withdraw the people who monitored her.

He thought she would hold back on the second plan this time, but she was so impatient that she seemed to be in a great hurry. It seemed that Yan Xiangjun's arrest had given her a great sense of crisis.

After being arrested, Xiao Cui found out that it was a trap. Without even a second thought, she bit the pill in her mouth and tried to commit suicide. Fortunately, Pei Qingsong and his men arrived in time and prevented her from succeeding.

"Xiao Cui is still in the sanitation center, and Lao Niu is guarding there." Pei Qingsong put the washed abalone into a bowl and washed it with clean water.

Zhou Enjin walked to the five-stove cabinet, picked up the hot water kettle, and poured half a basin of boiling water into the enamel basin. "When Xiao Cui wakes up, I will come to review it myself."

Pei Qingsong had no opinion. In this regard, he, the political commissar, was indeed not as good as Lao Zhou.

Jiang Anning looked at the sky and said to Hu Yuxiu and the third sister, "It's getting late, sister-in-law, third sister, Enjin and I are going to pick up Tieniu home."

Hu Yuxiu cut the potatoes into slices, "Go quickly. The dishes for tonight are almost ready. The rest is up to Shuting and me."

Shuting poked her head out from behind the stove and said with a smile, "Don't forget to pick up Xinghai at the entrance of the army. He should be here soon."

"Okay." Jiang Anning took off her apron and hung it on the wall, then walked to the main room, "Enjin, are you ready? We should leave."

Zhou Enjin stood up, put down the half-plucked chicken, and wiped his hands, "Old Pei, the rest is up to you." He walked over and said softly to his wife, "Let's go."

Ning's home.

Doctor Ning was cooking in the house. Tonight was his first Mid-Autumn Festival since he left the cowshed. He planned to cook something his son, daughter-in-law, and wife would like to eat, and pay tribute to them.

In the yard, Tie Niu and Ning Siming moved a small stool and sat at the door waiting.

They waited and waited but didn't see their aunt and uncle.

"Aunt, uncle, have you forgotten me?" Tie Niu's brows were tightly wrinkled on his dark and thin face. He hadn't seen his aunt and uncle for so many days and missed them so much.

Ning Siming held his cheeks and squatted beside the eldest brother, patting him with his little hands like an adult, "Big brother, you forgot, today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and the pretty aunt knew that you went to the emergency room with grandpa, and they didn't know you were back yet."

"Oh, I forgot." He laughed, touched the donkey fire wrapped in brown paper on his chest, looked at the sky, and became a little worried: "But it's getting dark, or I can go back by myself Home? But the package is so big, I can't even carry it. "

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