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Zhou Enjin came back exhausted, and came to pick her up after a simple wash. He didn't even have time to take care of his hair and beard, and his stubble appeared, which made him look a little more haggard than before.

Jiang Anning had no idea how much damage her words had done to the old man. She was drowsy under the influence of alcohol, and her little head was shaking.

"You have no conscience. Who did I come back from so far away for?" Zhou Enjin couldn't help pinching his wife's hot face.

Jiang Anning raised her head to protest.

"I'm sleepy." After being drunk, Jiang Anning's voice was soft and she couldn't help but act coquettishly.

The dim light from the corner of the auditorium shone down, and her fair and tender face was covered with two rouge-colored spots. Her pair of lively almond eyes were also stained with a touch of moist pink at some point, and she just stared at him straight.

Zhou Enjin's Adam's apple rolled, and even her heart softened.

As if dissatisfied with his dazed look, she dragged out the ending tone and curled it before the end, "I'm sleepy."

"Okay, our drunkard is sleepy, come up."

Zhou Enjin squatted down in front of his wife.

Jiang Anning lay on him, smelling the familiar soapberry fragrance, rubbed his back comfortably with her face, and fell asleep peacefully.

Zhou Enjin carried her from the auditorium to home.

The sky was dark, the moon was high in the sky, and the bright moonlight shone on the road planted with kapok and flamboyant flowers, casting long shadows.

Zhou Enjin was not walking fast, and walked home steadily and quickly.

Jiang Anning leaned his head on Zhou Enjin's shoulder, and his hot breath was itchy on his neck.

And someone was not aware of it at all, and buried her head in his neck, and her hot lips touched his skin. She didn't know what she dreamed of, and suddenly bit him.

Zhou Enjin didn't feel any pain, but it was itchy.

He patted his wife's butt and coaxed her, "Be good, we'll be home soon."

Tie Niu and Aunt Liu took An An to play in the yard. The little boy saw his father and mother from a distance, stretched out his hands and babbled for a hug.

Tieniu ran to Zhou Enjin and asked, "What happened to your aunt?"

Zhou Enjin: "The commander prepared a celebration banquet for the factory staff. Your aunt was very happy and drank a lot of fruit wine."

Aunt Liu looked at the sleepy Jiang Anning with worry: "Why did you drink so much? I'll go make some honey water."

"Thank you, Aunt Liu."

Zhou Enjin looked at Tieniu: "Tieniu, you stay here and watch your brother. Uncle, take your aunt back to the room first."

Tieniu patted his chest: "Don't worry, uncle, I will take good care of my brother."

When An'an saw her mother was gone, her mouth quivered and she was about to cry. Tieniu picked up the grass crab next to him and swung it in front of him, "Brother, look, the crab is coming. It's going to catch you. Wow!"

The crab swayed back and forth, and there were shrimps chasing behind.

An An's attention was attracted, staring at the grass crab and grass shrimp, reaching out to grab them.

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