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Song Dashan leaned forward suddenly, his eyes widened. The handwriting of the two letters was the same. "Old Zhou, this letter..."

"The letter in my hand is from my mother's pen pal, a woman named Lan Ping. I suspect that my mother's death has something to do with her." Zhou Enjin quickly read the letter in his hand and browsed the rest of the letters in the box.

From the information in the letter, it is Lan Ping who instigated Yu Jiangang to attack his wife, and this Lan Ping is very likely Yu Jiangang's biological mother.

"Have you compared the handwriting? Any clues?" Zhou Enjin put down the letter and looked at the box containing the letter, his eyes deep.

Song Dashan shook his head, "All the handwritings of letters in and out of Haisha Island have been compared, and no suspicious person has been found. After Yu Jiangang was arrested, our people immediately went to the place where the letter was sent to investigate. At present, we can only confirm that the letter was sent from the capital, and a man named Lao Lu acted as an intermediary to send it to Yu Jiangang. This Lao Lu had committed suicide before our people arrived."

"Do you have any clues about who sent the letter?"

"It's very difficult. The sender specially chose the post office controlled by the female comrade above to send the letter, just to prevent us from tracing her. The other party's anti-detection ability is very strong." It is not easy for their people to reach out and investigate.


Zhou Enjin crossed his hands and supported his chin, narrowed his eyes, was silent for a moment, and said, "What does the commander mean?"

This matter is not as simple as investigating his mother's death. There are many hidden dangers behind it. If he acts rashly, he may not only fail to find any clues, but also may cause a surprise attack and trigger a conflict between the two sides. He must think carefully.

"The commander means that Yu Jiangang should start with a warning, and the investigation in the capital should be stopped for the time being." Song Dashan relayed the original words of the commander.

It was almost the same as he thought. The competition above was becoming increasingly fierce, and the undercurrent was surging. If they were involved rashly, it would not only play into the hands of others, but also easily involve Haisha Island in the struggle and become a victim of the competition among multiple parties.

The more urgent the situation is, the more you need to be patient. We have come this far, and it won't take too long.

"Let's withdraw our people first."

Song Dashan nodded.

"How is Xiao Cui?"

Song Dashan: "She hasn't woken up yet, but her stomach has been washed. She is fine. It will take time for her to wake up. How did you guess that Xiao Cui had a problem? I watched her for so long before, and she didn't show any abnormality."

Zhou Enjin put the letter on the table into the box. "I suspected her when An Ning was involved. But there was no evidence. This time, it was just a chance to test her. Who knew she was so impatient?"

Song Dashan was shocked. It wasn't that she was impatient, but that you were too patient, okay? However, Xiao Cui deserved it. Who let her fall into the hands of Old Zhou?

"It's a pity for Deputy Commander Zhu. He has worked hard for so many years and was about to be promoted. But after this incident, his career is probably over."

"It's not been a day or two since Xiao Cui was turned against the government. As her bedmate, the fact that he didn't find out is a sign of trouble." Zhou Enjin stood up, locked the files in the safe, and patted Song Dashan on the shoulder: "By the way, bring your wife to our house for dinner tomorrow night, don't forget."

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