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Didn't they say that the house next door was applied for by a newlywed couple?

Jiang Anning looked at the furniture and room behind the two people, and suddenly realized it, widening his eyes, "Are you the newlywed couple who just moved in next door?"

Zhou Shuting looked at her brother with guilt and nodded.

Jiang Anning took a breath of cold air. How did these two people who seemed to have nothing in common, and even had never met each other in her memory, get together?

She glanced at her lover.

His face was as dark as water.

Zhou Enjin narrowed his eyes and stared at Pei Qingsong with murderous eyes, "Pei Qingsong, shall we talk?"

Pei Qingsong touched his nose and called him by his full name. It seemed that his brother-in-law was very angry.

"Enjin, listen to my explanation." Zhou Shuting knew her brother's domineering temper. He rarely got angry on weekdays. Once he got angry, her newlywed husband would probably get beaten. "Actually, I was the one who proposed the marriage."

Zhou Enjin looked at Pei Qingsong expressionlessly and said to Jiang Anning, "Anning, you and the eldest sister go in and talk."

Jiang Anning glanced at her husband, and he wanted to get rid of them and talk to Pei Qingsong alone, "Okay."

She walked over and pulled her third sister, "Third sister, let the men deal with their affairs alone, let's go into the house first."

"Okay." Before Zhou Shuting entered the house, she looked at Pei Qingsong worriedly and reminded her brother, "The wound on his arm hasn't healed yet."

The implication was that her brother should be gentle.

Pei Qingsong's enchanting fox eyes smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry."

Zhou Enjin looked cold, snorted, and walked towards the nearby beach. Pei Qingsong pinched his eyebrows and followed his brother-in-law.

After entering the house, Jiang Anning looked around the house. It was similar to theirs, with a main room, two bedrooms, and a kitchen. The only difference was the layout of the room. The bed in the bedroom was made of bricks, unlike the bamboo bed used on Haisha Island, which looked like a modified kang in the north. There was also a swing in the yard, which should have been designed by the Sheng family alone.

No wonder Fang Xiu was unwilling to move after losing the bet. This family spent a lot of extra effort. If the other party didn't make trouble and didn't pry into their privacy every day, it wouldn't matter if they were neighbors. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame Fang Xiu for her own evil deeds.

In the room, apart from a five-piece chest, a leaky table, and a washstand, the rest of the furniture and pots and pans are incomplete. It can be seen that the third sister and her family were in a hurry to move and haven't bought anything yet.

Jiang Anning pulled Zhou Shuting to sit on a chair, "Third sister, you were still dating last time we met, how come you got married so soon? And with Political Commissar Pei, I remember you two didn't seem to know each other?"

Zhou Shuting tucked the hair behind her ears, looking a little embarrassed, "Actually, Enjin was scratched by a wolf before, and I happened to see Pei Qingsong when I went to the ward."

Jiang Anning suddenly realized: "Did you know each other at that time?"

Zhou Shuting shook her head, "It can't be considered as knowing each other, I just fell in love with him unilaterally. That face, and that figure, you know, because I study medicine, I am a little picky in this aspect, Pei Qingsong is completely in my aesthetic point."

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