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"Zhou Enjin, we are here." Jiang Anning shouted loudly.

Her voice was so small and fragile amid the deafening sound of the rain and wind that Zhou Enjin and the others did not hear it.

The water level around them suddenly increased.

Hearing the voices of the people shouting getting smaller and smaller, Wang Guifen was desperate and gritted her teeth as if to tell the future generations: "Sister Anning, if there is still hope, help me save Xiao Zhuzi."

Jiang Anning comforted her: "Sister Guifen, don't give up, they will come to rescue us soon. Hang in there."

"I may...can't hold on any longer." Wang Guifen looked sad and tried to hold on to the tree trunk tightly, but her hands gradually lost strength.

As soon as she finished speaking, her hands were washed away.

"Be careful!" Jiang Anning grabbed her with his arms and pulled her towards the phoenix tree. After much difficulty, he finally pulled Wang Guifen close to the trunk. "Sister Guifen, hold on tight."

Wang Guifen held the trunk firmly again.

Seeing that she was safe, Jiang Anning shouted Zhou Enjin's name to the outside until her throat was almost hoarse, and finally heard an echo.

"Over there."

The light of the flashlight illuminated the phoenix tree where Jiang Anning and her friends lived. The fiery red phoenix flowers on the tree were beaten to pieces by the heavy rain. The two adults and three children on the tree held the trunk tightly.

Feeling the light, Jiang Anning and Wang Guifen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Especially Wang Guifen, she seemed to hear Tang Jian's voice, and when she really saw him, tears fell directly.

If An Ning hadn't pulled her just now, she would have been washed away by the water. She would never see Tang Jian again.

The flood had risen to the chests of Jiang An Ning and Wang Guifen, and dead trees and branches and pheasants and birds caught in the flood were washed away from them.

Except for the three children wearing raincoats, Jiang An Ning had already thrown away her backpack, raincoat and other things and went into battle lightly.

The thin clothes, continuous heavy rain and rushing floods took away her body temperature, her lips turned white, and she was shivering with cold.

Even so, she did not forget to comfort and encourage Wang Guifen and the three children. Zhou Enjin's appearance at this time was like a ray of light that cut through the dark night sky, dispelling the haze in her heart.

Zhou Enjin felt much more at ease when he saw that they were fine. If it was ten minutes later, something unpredictable would have happened.

Now is a special period, and the meteorological station is deeply affected. Some staff members have been sent down, some have attended classes, and there are frequent staff changes. In addition, this rainstorm came suddenly, and the meteorological radio station did not issue an early warning until a few minutes before the rainstorm began.

At this time, many military dependents had already gone up the mountain. Fortunately, the troops found them and sent people to find them in time, otherwise it is unknown how much chaos would have occurred.

Now the other trapped military dependents are safe, leaving only Jiang Anning and the others.

At this time, the rainstorm was fierce and the water was still turbulent.

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