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Jiang Anning didn't expect it to be the Zhou family.

It's not that Wang Fuhua hasn't sent letters in the past. To be more precise, she would send letters every year, but all the letters fell into the sea and no one replied.

Jiang Anning thought it would be the same this time and didn't think about it that way. Subconsciously, she thought it was sent by her eldest brother and sister-in-law.

Speaking of the engagement between the Zhou and Jiang families, it can be traced back to the eve of the liberation of Jincheng.

At that time, the remaining forces of the enemy spies were compressed around Jincheng. The soldiers led by the old man of the Zhou family fought with the enemy spies in the back mountain of the Red Star Brigade, Fanniu Ridge. The enemy was cunning and vicious. The old man Zhou was injured in order to save his fellow villagers. It was her father who passed by the cliff when he went up the mountain to hunt and saved him.

Later, her father used his familiarity with Fanniu Ridge to cooperate with Grandpa Zhou to capture the enemy spy leader. The two became close friends and agreed to a marriage contract.

Before leaving, Grandpa Zhou left his home address and a dragon-phoenix jade pendant as a token of love. A lot of things happened in the first few years after liberation, and the two families had no contact until 1965, when her father began to send letters.

Jiang Quangen was a determined person. He never replied to the letter, nor did he give up. He still asked her mother to send letters every year.

Other people in the Jiang family thought that the Zhou family did not reply because they were unwilling to fulfill the marriage contract. Her father firmly believed that the eldest brother was not such a person.

This time the letter was replied, but it was unknown what the Zhou family's attitude towards the marriage contract was.

Jiang Anning wanted to know the result, and Wang Fuhua wanted to know the result even more. She hurriedly explained a few words and rushed to the post office.

Jiang Anning took over the task of cooking.

The Jiang family had a backyard and planted a lot of vegetables. After Jiang Anning took over, the variety of vegetables increased a lot.

The round radishes just harvested in the morning lay white in the basket, and the pagoda-shaped baby cabbage and round lotus flowers next to them were white, green and fresh, all of which were excellent ingredients.

Jiang Anning planned to boil the water radishes in the pot, so that he could put a steamer on top to steam cornmeal cakes, sweet potatoes and egg custard.

Tieniu wanted to stay and help his aunt cook.

It happened that the dog boy from Niu's family came to see him, and Jiang Anning sent him out to play. Seeing that he really couldn't help much, Tieniu went back to the house to get his cigarette box, and took the children from the Radio Factory to find the children from the cotton textile factory to play with cigarette boxes.

You have to light a fire to cook, and lighting a coal stove is a technical job.

The Jiang family's coal stove is made of iron hoops, which is sturdy and durable. You have to open the round plate under the stove, clean up the morning coal ash, use a fire tong to put some coal balls and sawdust in, and then use a match to ignite the waste newspaper to start the fire.

It was cloudy today, and it was still gloomy at noon, as if it was going to rain. The coal stove produced a lot of smoke, which hurt her eyes.

After the coal balls were ignited, Jiang Anning blew air into them, and then pulled down the round plate when the coal balls turned red. This disc is the switch that controls the size of the coal stove fire. The larger the gap, the more air that enters, the bigger the fire, and vice versa.

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