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Zhou Enjin came over and looked in the direction of his wife's finger. During this period, the two were busy, and Tieniu washed his hair by himself, and his hair grew a little longer.

At this time, there were small insects on the black hair because of the heat.

"It is indeed lice."

Hearing this, Jiang Anning was very upset, "Tieniu, you...you go down first."

Tieniu drooped his head, scratched his head, and walked under the bed. He didn't know when he had lice.

When he got out of bed, Jiang Anning immediately opened his eyes wide and looked all over the bed. Fortunately, he didn't see any lice and breathed a sigh of relief.

She was worried and asked her husband, "Enjin, did you see any on the bed?"

Zhou Enjin shook her head, "No."

Jiang Anning patted her chest to calm down. She was so scared, but fortunately there was no lice.

Jiang Anning had a headache and looked at his head. This look was not a big deal, but she saw two lice crawling out and crawling in.

I don't know if it was a psychological effect or something else, she suddenly felt itchy all over, especially her head, and she couldn't help scratching it.

"You didn't have lice before I left, where did you get it?"

Jiang Anning was puzzled. None of Tieniu's friends had lice. There was no lice last time at the farm. It's only been a few days, how come there are so many.

Tieniu wanted to get closer and said, "Aunt, I..."

Jiang Anning stopped him, "Don't move, just stand there and talk." After saying that, he still felt uneasy. What if the lice could jump like fleas? Thinking of this, her head itched even more, and she said to Tieniu, "Step back a little. A little further back."

Tieniu did as he was told.

Jiang Anning looked at the distance between the two of them, which was about five or six meters away. The lice should not jump over, so she nodded with relief, "Okay, that's it."

Zhou Enjin: ...

Tieniu: ...

There was a galaxy between him and his aunt, just like what was said in the comic book. He wanted to cry.

Tieniu didn't know where the lice came from. His aunt finally came back, and he had a little sister now. He just wanted to sleep next to her.

"Aunt, I want to accompany you and my sister." He stood on the ground, wearing shorts and short sleeves, looking at Jiang Anning pitifully.

Jiang Anning refused without thinking, without negotiation, "Don't act pitiful, I won't agree to let you go to bed, you sleep alone tonight."

She glanced at Tieniu's head and shaved it into a small bald head tomorrow.

Tieniu didn't know that he was about to become a small bald head, and said unwillingly: "Aunt, am I still your favorite little Tieniu?"

"No. Before the lice are cleaned up, Aunt is just an emotionless machine." She didn't want to be shaved bald, that would be too ugly.

"Okay." Tieniu, with a tearful face, walked over and picked up his small pillow and quilt, and walked towards the bedroom door, looking back every few steps, "Aunt, I'm leaving. I'm really leaving."

Jiang Anning waved her hand, "Let's go."

Tieniu sighed, and it was completely impossible for him to sleep with his aunt, so he could only go back to his own room.

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