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Lu Xiaozhu?

Jiang Anning remembered that she was the lover of Battalion Commander Zhu. She liked to follow Sister Xiu'e before, but Sister Xiu'e went to the sideline group and she went to school, so she didn't see her much.

The foot of the mountain where Tieniu and his friends threw sandbags was not far from the new family compound. Jiang Anning and his friends hurried to the place and arrived in five minutes.

When they got there, they saw that besides Tieniu and his children and Lu Xiaozhu, there were other military dependents, Sister Lin Mei.

Sister Lin Mei protected Tieniu behind her and explained her identity to Lu Xiaozhu. A group of children and military dependents surrounded them, some of them were filled with righteous indignation, and some were watching the excitement.

Ning Siming was supported by his beautiful aunt, and he was full of confidence. He shouted to the crowd: "Boss, we are here to save you."

The crowd was in an uproar. They looked back and saw Jiang Anning and Zhou Enjin coming, and made way for them.

"Aunt, uncle!" When Tie Niu saw his uncle and aunt, the child who was strong just now had tears in his eyes, and wanted to run over aggrievedly.

Lu Xiaozhu reached out to pull him, "Don't run!"

Lin Mei opened her hand, her face full of anger: "It's New Year's Day, do you have to be so hard on your children? An Ning and the others are here, they won't run away."

Lu Xiaozhu's long hair was a little yellow due to malnutrition, and she looked a little bitter. Looking at Jiang An Ning being protected by Zhou Enjin, she thought of her husband's attitude towards her, and she looked at Jiang An Ning even more unpleasantly.

However, there were too many people present, and several of them had children in her class, so she did not show any dissatisfaction, but said with a little grievance: "Children don't know the seriousness of the matter. I was afraid that he would run into Director Jiang in a hurry. This child is just a nephew, after all, there is a layer of distance. If you are afraid that the child in Director Jiang's belly will snatch his favor, it will be bad if you do something wrong in a moment of impulse. I am just worried, after all, there are precedents."

Such a thing just happened in their class. A little girl was afraid that the child born by her stepmother would threaten her status, so she pushed the stepmother down and aborted her brother.

The parents present had heard about this. Although Lu Xiaozhu said it was not pleasant, it was not impossible.

Tieniu's eyes turned red with anger when he heard this. If Jiang Anning hadn't held him back, the young man would have rushed forward: "You are talking nonsense. I will not hurt my sister. You bad woman."

Zhou Enjin is a man. There are only military wives here. It is not easy for him to show up. Jiang Anning handed Tieniu and Siming to him, "Look after the children."

As she said this, she walked to Lu Xiaozhu with a fake smile and took a look at the skirt she was wearing. There was indeed a stain on the skirt, which should have been thrown by the sandbag. It is estimated that the sandbag hit the mango and the remaining mango juice stained her clothes.

Originally, it was Tieniu who threw the sandbag, so it was nothing for them to compensate. Lu Xiaozhu went to them to explain clearly, and they would not default on the debt.

But Lu Xiaozhu didn't do that. She didn't understand why before, until she came over just now and saw a hint of malice in Lu Xiaozhu's eyes directed at her.

Yes, it was directed at her.

Lu Xiaozhu was obviously not a master at hiding her emotions. When Sister Lin Mei was arguing with her just now, her emotions were still stable, but when she saw herself and Zhou Enjin, her emotions immediately changed.

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