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Jiang Anning and Tieniu were in charge of setting the dishes, while Wang Fuhua went out to meet people.

Jiang Quangen introduced to Wang Fuhua: "Big Brother, this is my wife, Comrade Wang Fuhua. Sister Wang, this is the Big Brother Zhou Shifeng I told you about."

Xu Zhenzhen's eyebrows wrinkled slightly when she heard Jiang Quangen call her wife "Sister Wang".

This is too unrefined.

However, she was very good at saving face, and there was no sign of any disgust. Even the smile on her face seemed to be carefully calculated. She used whatever arc made people feel the most friendly.

"Brother Zhou, you are a rare guest. The food is ready, please come in!" Wang Fuhua hurriedly invited everyone in.

Neighbors would occasionally look in to see the excitement, especially Shi Tounai, whose eyes were fixed on the Zhou family, especially the three boys. "Could the Zhou family be here to date?"

"No way. Didn't An Ning say that his father's friends came to visit. Niu Aifang, you and Wang Fuhua have the best relationship on weekdays, are the Zhou family here to date?"

"How should I know? If they are unmarried, even if they are here to date, it's none of our business. You should stop gossiping." Niu Aifang was busy cleaning the shepherd's purse at hand. In fact, she knew about this. Wang Fuhua had asked her to help An Ning find a partner before, but she wouldn't tell anyone.

"Aifang is right. You don't need to care about the Jiang family's affairs. Let's go."

Shi Tounai looked at the Jiang family, put down her things, and ran to Liuqing Road.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"It's true. I saw three people go in with my own eyes. They were not one, but three. They were all good young men."

The man hiding in the shadows broke the Daqianmen cigarette in his hand, and a hint of coldness flashed across his eyes.

"Give her the money. Keep watching her. Report any news as soon as possible. You will benefit from it."

"No problem. I will tell you everything I know." Shi Tounai got a piece of money, and her wrinkled face was full of smiles. .

As soon as Shi Tounai left, Cao Weibing's friends felt sorry for him.

"Boss, the Jiang family won't give you face, do you want us to help?"

Cao Weibing waved his hand, "I'll make my own arrangements."

He, Cao Weibing, has never failed to get what he likes.

Want to marry someone else? Dream on.

It was because he had given people too gentle an impression before that the Jiang family thought he was easy to bully. It's just a woman, if you don't want to be treated with respect, don't blame him for being ungrateful.

As for the Zhou family, it doesn't matter if they come from a big city. When they come to his place, they will be coiled by dragons and crouched by tigers. If they dare to compete with Cao Weibing for women, they should also consider whether they are qualified.


As soon as he entered the Jiang family, Xu Zhenzhen's foxy eyes just glanced casually, and then she took in the situation of the Jiang family without making a sound.

The simple and narrow room, the walls covered with discarded newspapers, the shabby furniture, doors and windows, everything exuded a sense of shabbyness.

If it weren't for the set of jade jewelry left by her mother-in-law, she would never let her son marry such a person. Not only could she not help her son's career, but she would also be a hindrance.

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