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"Get down from here. I told you to run around with Tianbao Tieniu. If I don't break your legs today, I'll take your last name." Guo Xiu'e put her hands on her hips and yelled at the tree.

Dazhuzi climbed up the coconut tree nimbly. When he saw Jiang Anning, he felt like he saw a savior. "Aunt Anning, save me."

"Sister Xiu'e, what's wrong?" Jiang Anning called Tianbao Tieniu's name again. The strange thing was that the two little ones rarely rushed over to her at the first time. Instead, they turned their backs to her and shrank into the corner, as if they were afraid that Jiang Anning would find out.

There was something strange.

"Sister An Ning, I'm so sorry. I was just a little bit blinded, and these guys were so bold as to poke the beehive. Look, I just brought them back from the health center. Fortunately, nothing serious happened, otherwise how can I explain to you and sister-in-law Sun Fang." Guo Xiu'e had a headache, and her face was full of apologies. At this point, she was furious again and roared at the coconut tree lion: "You little bastard, get down here, do you hear me? I'll count to three."

Jiang An Ning was stung when she heard it, and hurried to Tie Niu and Tian Bao. The two kids wanted to hide, but she stopped them.

"Let me see." Jiang An Ning turned the two kids' faces over.

"Pretty aunt." Qi Tian Bao called out, still a little shy and embarrassed.

"Aunt, don't look at me. I'm disfigured." Tie Niu covered his mouth tightly with his little hand, feeling very sad.

Jiang Anning looked at him, Qi Tianbao was fine, his face was a little red and swollen, not too serious, "Tie Niu, take your hand away, aunt."

No matter what Jiang Anning said, Tie Niu was on guard, "Aunt, I've become so ugly."

Brat, at such a young age, you know how to be conceited. Jiang Anning was worried if she didn't take a look, "Aunt, I'll just take a look, I won't laugh at you."

Tie Niu looked at her with tears in his eyes, "Really?"

Jiang Anning nodded. Compared to whether it hurts or not, the brat is obviously more concerned about whether he looks good or not, it seems that there shouldn't be any big problem.

Tie Niu took his hand away.

"Puff!" Jiang Anning buried her face in her knees, her shoulders shaking. She didn't want to laugh, but she really couldn't help it.

It was a horrible sight.

Bees like to bite lips, and Tieniu's lips are now swollen like sausages.

Jiang Anning held back her laughter, "Does it hurt?"

Tieniu shook his head and accused quietly, "You said you wouldn't laugh." His thin shoulders had endured a lot, and he drew circles sadly, "Am I disfigured?" He won't be the Monkey King anymore.

Thinking of this, Tieniu became even more sad.

Auntie Sun Fang knew that her grandson was bitten, so she hurried over. She was relieved to find that there was nothing wrong. She saw the places where the three people were bitten, and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She took Qi Tianbao back.

Tie Niu's mouth didn't hurt, but his heart was hurt. He returned to the room and felt sadder and sadder.

Jiang An Ning came in with medicine and pulled back the quilt. "Apply the medicine well, and the redness and swelling will disappear soon. Then you will be a beautiful boy again."

"Will it not be disfigured?" Tie Niu still had tears on his eyelashes. After getting the affirmative answer from his aunt, he smiled and said that he could be the Monkey King in the future.

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