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The more critical the moment, the calmer Zhou Enjin's expression became. His sharp eyes only briefly scanned the situation, and he quickly analyzed the battle situation and made the most correct decision.

After a set of actions, the plane climbed 90 degrees at an extremely fast speed, then turned sharply to the right and rolled sideways to throw off the enemy who was very close at the six o'clock position.

If it was a second slower, death would be waiting for him and his comrades.

The plane in his hands was like a flexible eagle, constantly changing its movements, penetrating the enemy's blockade, and diving to a nearby island.

"Prepare for battle, hide."

A battle of life and death is about to begin.

Haisha Island.

The waves hit the rocks on the shore, raising white waves, the sea breeze blew, the coconut trees rustled, and it was quiet and peaceful.

Jiang Anning finished cooking and went out to look, but she didn't see Tieniu.

She found that this boy was mysterious recently. He took a small pottery jar out every day and didn't know what he was doing. Because she was busy with the sideline group, she didn't pay much attention to him when she saw that he didn't go to the beach or run to the dangerous places in the mountains.

I didn't expect that he was still not seen at dinner time today. It seems that he is itchy.

Jiang Anning covered the food with a bamboo rice cover, closed the door and went to Sister Xiu'e's house, "Sister Xiu'e, has your Dazhuzi come back?"

Sister Xiu'e called into the house, "Dazhuzi, come out quickly, your Aunt Anning is looking for you." After that, she continued to greet Jiang Anning: "Sister Anning, you came at the right time. I made this shrimp sauce cold dish according to the method you gave me, but I don't know why, I always feel that something is missing."

Last time Jiang Anning made shrimp sauce mixed vegetables and sent a plate to them. After eating, Lao Fu and Dazhuzi liked it very much and ordered this dish every day. She was too bothered to make it and didn't want to make it. Today, she was in a good mood after dividing the money, so she tried to make some, but she didn't expect that no matter how she made it, it just lacked the taste.

Jiang Anning walked over, and Guo Xiu'e picked up a cucumber and fed it to her, and asked nervously: "How is it? What's wrong?"

Jiang Anning chewed it, "Everything else is good, but there is less sugar and the amount of lemon is not right."

" Then I'll try again."

Following Jiang Anning's instructions, Guo Xiu'e tried a small bowl again, tasted it, and smiled happily: "Yes, it's this taste. This cooking is still amazing, sister Anning, she can tell where the problem is after just one taste."

Da Zhuzi also came out, "Aunt Anning."

Jiang Anning touched his head, "Did you see Tieniu?"

Da Zhuzi scratched his face: "Today we came back from the secret base, Tieniu and Siming went to Dr. Ning's house together. They should be there now."

Jiang Anning gave him a White Rabbit candy.

Da Zhuzi was very happy. But before he was happy for two seconds, a hand came out and snatched his White Rabbit.

"Confiscate the White Rabbit first. If you eat it again, you will get cavities. I'll give it to you in a few days." Guo Xiu'e put the White Rabbit candy into her pocket.

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