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Although the evidences found in the investigation cannot prove a direct relationship with Qu Ying, combined with the evidence he has collected about the fake Lan Ping over the years, these things are inseparable from Qu Ying.

With these things in hand, it is much easier to investigate Qu Ying. After all, it is easier to find the reason when you know the answer than to find evidence without a direction.

As long as there is evidence that Qu Ying is a fake Lan Ping, the things found in this investigation and the things in his hands are enough to keep Qu Ying in prison for the rest of his life.

In early September, the Red Star Factory handed over the last batch of Canton Fair foreign trade orders and received more than one million RMB in foreign exchange from the Canton Fair.

Part of this money was used by Mr. Smith to purchase the current internationally advanced production lines and technologies. The factory kept part of the remaining profits, and the rest was handed over to the troops.

Enjin said that with this money, the military expenditure of the troops was much more abundant. In addition to purchasing and replacing military equipment, it not only increased the subsidies for the families of martyrs, but also greatly improved the lives of the soldiers. The meals and meat in the canteen during festivals were much richer.

"An Ning, the division commander asked me to thank you on his behalf. Thank you for starting the sideline business, and thank you for leading the comrades in the factory to make great contributions to the development of the troops." Zhou Enjin stood in front of his lover, looking at his wife and An An in her arms tenderly.

Jiang Anning coaxed Anan, her eyebrows curved like the moon, "I and my comrades in the factory feel very honored to be able to help the troops. The troops have protected our safety, and we also hope to contribute to the safety of the troops."

"Strive, strive." Anan clapped his hands and shouted loudly.

Jiang Anning was surprised, "Zhou Enjin, your son has learned another word. Come, An'an, call mom, mom-mom-"

An'an tilted her head, with dimples on her face that combined the advantages of her husband's eyebrows and eyes, clapped her hands, and shouted: "Mom, mom, mom."

"Enjin, An'an just called me, did you hear it?" Jiang Anning was overjoyed, holding An'an high up, An'an laughed and clapped her hands and called mom, mom, mom.

The seven-month-old child has begun to imitate his mother's words.

An'an called a few more times, Jiang Anning smiled and kissed her son's little face.

Zhou Enjin walked to his wife and teased An An with her, "An An, come and call Dad. Dad-Dad-"

The little guy didn't cooperate at all, and only called Mom with saliva, as if Mom was something delicious.

Jiang Anning was very happy to be called by An An, but when she thought that An An didn't call her husband, she suppressed her smile and taught An An to say Dad.

The little guy called Mom with all his strength, and drooled with his mouth open.

Although Zhou Enjin didn't say anything on the surface, Jiang Anning saw the disappointment in his eyes and comforted him: "The little guy is only seven months old, you teach him more, he will definitely be able to do it."

Zhou Enjin went in to get a handkerchief, and just as he walked into the main room, he heard An An shouting Dad.

Jiang Anning hugged An'an and was extremely happy, "An'an can call daddy now. Our An'an is really smart."

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