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Jiang Anning didn't expect the sisters-in-law to change the topic so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, they were eating melons on themselves.

Her lover's nose is indeed straight. Not only is it the highest nose among the warriors present, but even in the Zhou family, whose ancestors have Hu people's blood, his nose is very straight.

As for whether the straight nose is positively correlated with that aspect, she is not sure, but Zhou Enjin is really good in that aspect.

Her waist and legs are still sore from last night. If Zhou Enjin hadn't just recovered from her injury, it would be questionable whether she could come to watch the swimming competition today.

But this question is too private, how can it be told to outsiders.

Jiang Anning blushed, and didn't know how to answer the sisters-in-law's teasing for a while.

"Looking at Sister Anning's shy expression, I know that Captain Zhou must be good in that aspect." The sister-in-law smiled ambiguously.

Other military wives echoed: "Sister An Ning is so beautiful, and her skin is so tender that you can squeeze out water. If I were a man, I would not be able to control myself. Moreover, for a man like Captain Zhou who is full of vigor and vitality, several times a night is definitely not enough."

Unlike them, men are a little incapable of that as they age, and they have to rely on picking more oysters when they go to the sea to make up for it.

Being said, Jiang An Ning was so embarrassed: "Sisters, if you do this again, I will ignore you."

Seeing her so shy, the other sisters-in-law were stunned for a moment, and laughed, "Sister An Ning, are we really right?"

Sure enough, men still want to find strong and strong women with straight noses. They felt embarrassed before, but now they understand the secret after getting married.

"That's enough, that's enough." Seeing this, Guo Xiu'e came to help, "If you keep teasing, Sister An Ning will hide when she sees you next time." She looked at Jiang An Ning, "Ignore them, they are just jealous of your radiant face nourished by Captain Zhou."

After saying this, Jiang An Ning stomped her feet shyly, "Sister Xiu'e! I won't pay attention to you anymore." Then she ran to the other side of the beach without looking back.

If she didn't run, she didn't know how much more powerful words she would hear. It is said that people of this generation are simple and shy in their emotions, but married sisters-in-law are really fierce.

A rookie like her can't stand it.

While running, she can still hear the hearty laughter of the sisters-in-law behind her.

Tieniu, Dazhuzi and other children in the military compound were playing in the sand pile. The fine sand was piled into various shapes, including coconuts, mangoes, and chickens.

Tieniu came over curiously, "Aunt, why is your face as red as a shrimp?"

"Aunt, I'm fine, I'm just hot." Jiang Anning looked away and fanned her face with her hands to cool it down. Next time the sisters-in-law talked about this, she would stay away.

Back at the Jiang family, it was still early. Jiang Anning went to the yard to look at the dried seafood. The dried shrimps and shrimp skins were almost dried. She planned to go to the post office, call her mother, and send these things back.

Tieniu and Dazhuzi from Xiu'e's sister-in-law were playing in the mud outside the yard.

"Dazhuzi, is there really something fun in the secret base you mentioned?" Tieniu rolled the mud in his hand into balls and put them into the mud pot made by Dazhuzi.

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