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As Jiang Hongmei came in, many people in the family compound saw her and looked around to see what was going on.

"What are you talking about, her second aunt? Get up quickly." Wang Fuhua was so angry that her face turned red, and she wanted to pull her up.

Tomorrow is the day of her youngest daughter's wedding. If Jiang Hongmei has something to say, she can't just talk to her daughter. As soon as she came in, she hugged her daughter's thigh and cried. Not only was it annoying, it was also too unlucky.

But Jiang Hongmei was too fat, squatting at the door was like a wall, and the door couldn't be closed, making people laugh at her.

"Second aunt, you get up first and talk." Jiang Anning wanted to help her.

Jiang Hongmei didn't care and just cried: "Cao Weibing arrested your uncle because of you. If you don't save your uncle, I won't get up."

"Mom, what are you doing? How can you blame An Ning for this? I'll help you up. Auntie, An Ning is really sorry." Chunhua and Chunsheng followed Miao Cuilan from behind, with an apologetic and embarrassed look on their faces.

Jiang Hongmei just didn't get up, crying and asking Jiang An Ning to promise to save people.

Jiang An Ning was about to reach out to move people, but when she saw her grandmother's action, she felt that she couldn't deprive her grandmother of the right to teach her daughter.

Just watch.

What bad thoughts can a young person have? It's still the elders who have to deal with the elders.

"Which one are you going crazy? The old lady hasn't beat you for too long, fart/itch itching." Miao Cuilan was so angry that he picked up the broom and pumped Jiang Hongmei. "Your niece is good, I let you say nothing." "Mom, don't hit me, I am so miserable, you have to hit me." "The old lady is you. Can't get up?" Miao Miao moved up and didn't feel soft. Wang Fuhua worked late into the night to make this red cotton coat, so it must not be left dirty.

"Second aunt, you should get up first." Jiang Anning said softly, holding Jiang Hongmei's waist with one hand and taking away her hands that were hugging her legs with the other hand, and then she lifted Jiang Hongmei up and stood up without mercy.

She was strong, so she was only responsible for carrying her. As for whether she was comfortable or not, that was not something she could take care of.

Jiang Hongmei only felt the belt of her pants tightened and hurt, and she was carried away by Jiang Anning expressionlessly.

"..." Jiang Hongmei choked. She was going to hold her thighs and cry until Jiang Anning agreed? What should she do next?

Jiang Anning closed the door and looked at Jiang Hongmei, "Second aunt, can you tell me what happened now? How did my uncle get captured by Cao Wei's soldiers?"

Jiang Hongmei was originally crying and snotting, but when she heard Jiang Anning's question, it was as if her throat was pinched. She wanted to speak but was too embarrassed to open her mouth, and her face turned red.

In the end, Chunhua Chunsheng couldn't stand it anymore and told the story.

"My father was reported to the factory's Revolutionary Committee for having an affair. Cao Weibing sent someone to do it. Now the people from the Revolutionary Committee have arrested him and want to criticize him and shave his head and parade him through the streets. Cao Weibing said..." Chunhua paused, glanced at An Ning and said, "If my cousin doesn't cancel the wedding, the next person to suffer will be the rest of the Jiang family."

Jiang Hongmei cried, "An Ning, if your second uncle is shaved and paraded through the streets, how can we live? I can't describe it in one stroke. Your family will also be affected by the name Jiang. You can't just stand by and watch her die."

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