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Jiang Anning was resting in the sun in the yard and stood up when she heard the noise.

Fu Yishan walked into the yard with a basket on his shoulder, his dark face radiating red from the sun on the island: "Happy New Year. I'm here to give you all a birthday gift. My Xiu'e said that she doesn't have her family around, so this wedding gift is for you friends."

He lifted the red cloth on the basket, took out a red egg from it, and put it on the table.

Jiang Anning saw a red egg and smiled: "Sister-in-law Xiu'e and Captain Fu have got what they wanted this time, congratulations."

According to custom, red eggs are given as wedding gifts, and an odd number indicates the birth of a daughter, and an even number indicates the birth of a son. Captain Fu gave a red egg to explain that his sister-in-law Xiu'e had given birth to a daughter.

Captain Fu said "No, no", but the smile on his face faded. It was obvious that he was very happy.

It was because he had five stinky boys that he got such a sweet daughter, especially because the daughter looked like his Xiu'e. He would wake up with a smile even when he fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Hearing the voices outside, Zhou Enjin went to the house to get coconuts for his wife, and Wang Fuhua and Aunt Liu, who were busy in the kitchen preparing the New Year's Eve dinner tonight, also came out.

Seeing the red egg, everyone still had some confusion, and they all smiled and congratulated Captain Fu.

Zhou Enjin handed the coconut to his wife, turned around and saw Fu Yishan sweating all over, and went into the house to get a coconut that was frozen in a water tank and handed it to him: "Captain Fu, have a coconut."

It was sunny, and Fu Yishan was so happy that he ran all the way here, sweating profusely, and his throat was smoking, "Thank you, Lao Zhou."

Jiang Anning and Wang Fuhua were very concerned about Guo Xiu'e's situation, and Captain Fu answered them one by one.

"When was Sister Xiu'e born?" Jiang Anning took the wheat from her husband, put the straw into the coconut and took a sip, and asked.

Captain Fu straightened his chest and said loudly: "She was born last night, weighing 6.72 catties, a beautiful little girl."

When he said the word "girl", his voice was particularly loud, for fear that if his voice was too soft, no one would hear it.

After that, he specifically said to Zhou Enjin: "Old Zhou, haven't you always wanted a sweet-smelling lady? If your sister-in-law gives birth to a boy, my lady can let you see her for a while."

Zhou Enjin's face turned black: "Don't talk nonsense! My An Ning is also carrying a sweet-smelling lady in her belly."

Captain Fu smiled and said: "Before my Xiu'e was about to give birth, we always thought it was another bad boy, but this time it was a lady. Before it was born, the sour son and spicy daughter were all feudal superstitions. "

Before Zhou Enjin always said sour son and spicy daughter in front of him, which made him think that his Xiu'e gave birth to another bad boy, and he was sad for a long time. Now he finally got his head held high.

Fu Yishan looked at Old Zhou's dark face, the darker it was, the happier he was. Who made him so proud before?

Jiang Anning knew a little about the comparison between her husband and Fu Yishan about concubines. Seeing that Fu Yishan was showing off and her husband was frowning, she couldn't help but laugh.

This man, no matter how old he is, has a childish side when it comes to having concubines.

After Fu Yishan had shown off enough, he said goodbye happily: "Auntie, sister-in-law, I still have to go to deliver the wedding gift to Aman, so I'll leave first."

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